Saturday, May 12, 2007


Sometimes I do wonder why life isn’t fair
Why I am ignored, why no one can care

I purpose myself as the most deserving
I do my good part, I’m always still serving

But no one seems to care for my life
The hardship, the struggles, and all of the strife

I can’t think it true for God to exist
If He loves me, why not then try to persist

He should love me more than anyone could
But do I deserve it, I think I should

But why do I need it, what have I done?
Why do I deserve His glorious son?

I read how He came and died for my sin
But could He then change my heart from within

But what have I done, I think I’m good
But have I been doing all that I could?

In truth I am nothing, apart from His grace
I’m afraid to look upon His sweet face

Why did you do this? All this for me
What I have done, I can not see

This makes my soul, fill up with fear
But you’re sweet voice is all I can hear

Before, I asked why life wasn’t fair
Why justice never carried me on the air

Well, I’m glad it’s not so, if so I’d be doomed
I’d be in hell’s fire and then be consumed

I now throw away all of my why’s
I spread out my hands, with tears in my eyes

The only ‘why’ left, is ‘Why God, me?’
He opened my eyes, so that I could see

I look out upon the glowing night sky
I look to the stars and wonder, wonder why?

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