Tuesday, May 15, 2007


It is so amazing how amazing God is in the little things. A really funny thing happened the other day. Ok, so I always practice guitar with my acoustic guitar at home and NEVER use my electric except at church, just because it's too much trouble to set it up. Well, I had a sudden urge to use it on Sunday. Funny huh? Well, want to know the funniest, my string broke!!! And not only that, but it is the same string that broke a month ago, so I have two extra sets of strings for every string except for the one that just broke, so I had no replacement. This is providential because if I hadn't've had the urge to play my electric on Sunday, then it would have broken on Thursday and I couldn't have played then.
It gets even better. My dad always works Monday through Friday and is gone from 9 in the morning till 8 at night, so I wouldn't have had any opportunity to go to Leomonster and buy myself new strings until Saturday!!! However, by providence, my dad didn't have to work on Monday, because, for the first time in months, he worked the night before, so I was able to buy myself new strings!!! Amazing, huh???

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