Friday, May 18, 2007


Sadness: The act of being affected with or expressive of grief or unhappiness; caused or associated with Grief; DEPRESSED, DISMAYED!

When times life seems to quiet down into paralyzing silence like a darkened room you are enclosed in; that is when it is the hardest to keep faith. We can have hope when everything is good and right and everything goes your way; when you are HAPPY all the time. But what about those times when everything you want is taken away; ripped away; TORN AWAY! What can I do then? You have everything you need except the things the want soooo much that you feel like you need them. Why does this always seem to happen? Why can't I, just once, have the things I need AND the things I want? Life is hard! That is true. If it wasn't, then it wouldn't be worth living. But why does it have to be sooo hard? I am left alone from everything that I want, everything I yearn for, except . . . . God. God is all I need, but why does He take away everything else? Can I live without anything this world has to offer? Is God enough? Oh, YES!!! He is enough. I have gotten to the place where I know it is not destined for me to have what I want in this world, and I have accepted it. It is just soooo hard. I have nothing left to cling to, nothing except God; the one who took everything away from me, but the one who also gives me everything. My own selfish desires! Why do I have them??? Why would I expect comfort here on earth, when I will experience so much comfort in the next life. Depression is still there, but I have accepted it. I cry as I cry out to God for help. That is all I can do when everything is TORN away from me.

"God help me please!!! I am so sad!!!"

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