Sunday, May 6, 2007

Sometimes . . .

Sometimes we can't see God. We are in a low spiritual point and going through things that cause us to wonder. We think that God is too far away to be seen. Oh, we are so wrong. It's just that God is so big that, like a large painting, if he is right next to us, he is too near to be seen. We only see what is right in front of us which is only a part of His plan, His majesty we can't see the big picture, but we can't back away to see it more clearly like a painting, because he is still too big. All we can do is trust and have faith in what we do see, so that we can enjoy it all the more when we go to live with Him in heaven and we can see Him for what he really is. I don't always like this fact that I have to wait. I don't like all the trouble and struggles and pain and temptations I go through, but God is just.

I know God won't give me more than I can handle, I just wish He didn't trust me so much.

1 comment:

lovesarevolution said...

your an inspiration Micah Keep it Up. :) and have a good week!