Sunday, June 1, 2008

New Post

Hey, sorry for all you adoring fans for not doing a new blog sooner. Well, for one thing, I'm using my laptop and was having trouble figuring out the internet thing, still can't access wireless yet. Also, I've been very busy getting ready for my Grad. Party. It was soooo awesome! To think I didn't even want one. Well, I cried . . . like a baby. It was really touching to hear all my siblings, which have never been all together for a decade, and my parents talk about me and my life and bless me and encourage me. I truly am sooo blessed to have such an amazing family. Some people couldn't make it and I missed them, it would have been nice for them to be there, but God knows best. And I love Him.

I was pleased with the grad. money. Not sure if this is improper to tell, but I received all together $660 for my graduation. Much more than I deserved and it's going to be used for my education and God's glory.
Anyway, God bless and I will be trying to write on my regular schedule again.

1 comment:

lovesarevolution said...

It truly was a stirring Grad party. much like your brothers.
Congrats! :)