Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Imagine, being the center of attention. Coming from all over the world just to perform for people. To grace them with your prescence. To talk to them and give them the time of their lives.

People nowadays are worshipping people. We are born-worshippers, we have to worship something, but the things we choose are so meaningless. Think of actors, musicians, famous people. We worship them. They are just humans, unworthy of praise.

Now, imagine being one of those people yourself. Being a famous actor or actoress; a musician that travels all over the country, a politician, or a world-renown scientist. How would you respond? Being worshipped? It's a big problem with many famous people who are christians nowadays. We should try to do everything the best of our ability but yet, we shouldn't be "gracing them with our presence" but rather "God should be gracing them with our presence"

What are you doing if you aren't being a witness?

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