Sunday, April 27, 2008

In Spirit and Word

An interesting quote from my pastor today struck me: "If you have all Spirit and no word, you'll blow up, if you have all Word and no Spirit you'll dry up, you have all Spirit and all Word, then you'll grow up." This meant alot to me cause it is full of so much truth and is worthy of expounding. If we are like traditional pentecostals, then we will be screaming, dancing, and crazy people that have no discipline and just do what they think is the spirit but merely feels good. If we are like traditional conservatives, then we will be so into the written word that we don't even allow the Spirit to guide us. Both are the wrong point of view. The truth is that if we are either, then we have none. Since the spirit and the word are so connected that if we listen to God's Spirit then it will give an even stronger desire for getting into God's word and if we are in depth with God's word then we will learn that it is the Spirit that guides us in our daily actions, but the Spirit will never prompt us to do anything that is unbiblical. In truth, if we know one then we will know both. So many conservative bible believing churches seem dead and so many pentecostal churches that get excited during worship and are on fire for God seem to be weak theologically and seem to accept anyone and anything even if it is sinful. We must be uncompromising in our beliefs but must also check our beliefs with what the bible says and be open to how the Spirit will lead those beliefs into practice and daily actions.


Unknown said...

I'm pretty sure pastor Ed has said that before... not even kidding. He said that it was his grandmother that used to say that.

Micahlangelo said...

I didn't say that it wasn't used before, but when I heard it, it made me think. lol, and I don't attend Calvary Chapel anymore by the way. So, I never heard Pastor Ed say that.

Micahlangelo said...

Hey, who are you? Crooked soul trying to stay up straight?

lovesarevolution said...

Hey Micah It's Evan... I dont know why it says I am "crooked souls" but its me.. And I know you don't attend Calvary Chapel anymore. lol