Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Reality of God

After thinking about it, I came to realize something very important about myself. Although we must try to be more like Jesus, sometimes we know that Jesus would act differently in some ways rather than what we were meant to. If Jesus' life was to be our blueprint, then every christian would be a full-time missionairy with followers and would give their life and death to the ministry work of Christ. In some ways this is to be our goal but in some ways it isn't. I believe that Jesus would never be a Boxer, a Pro. Athlete, a Newspaper reporter, or of the such. Whereas I believe a christian can give God the glory in almost any occupation. The term should not be what would Jesus do, but what would Jesus have me do. Knowing that we can in no way be ever close to being like Jesus we must realize that God has a different will for our lives for every individual, some He has called to be missionairies, some to be trash collectors. We must be willing to give all to God and seek His kingdom first and then everything else He will grant us. I in no way can understand God, but I know he understands me. I can't expect to be like Jesus, but I want to try as hard as I can, cause to God, He is living my life right now, and He counts me as if I have Lived His.

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