Sunday, March 23, 2008

An Easter Speculation

It came to me that although we spend so much time celebrating Christmas and Christ's birth, it isn't nearly worth the celebration and rejoicing as much as Easter. Why you may ask? Well, Christ's birth shows God's proof of the old testament prophecies, but Easter is the fullfillment of it. If Christ was born and then never died, we would have no hope at all. It is entirely in the fact of Good Friday that he died for us to save us when he had no fault that completes the sacrifice, but Easter is a second proof of God's approval that the sacrifice was sufficient and that with sin comes death, but since he had no sin, death could not hold him. And if he stayed dead, then he would not be the representation of eternal life of which we all are aspiring to attain. It is true that satan bruised his heel, but Jesus in return crushed his head! Just like in the Chronicles of Narnia, in trying to defeat the prophecy, the enemy was the one that carried it out. Only a God who is all-knowing and all-powerful could have arranged such a perfect plan. The true meaning of Easter is not a fluffy bunny, choclate eggs, or flowers and though we try to disguise it as best as possible, the true meaning of Jesus's LIFE is that this powerful event has the power to save an entire world from its sin and death. And for this we should truly Celebrate!

1 comment:

lovesarevolution said...

i definitely think that good friday deserves more respect. I mean it at least should be of the same importance as Easter... right?