Saturday, July 26, 2008

Herman the Superhero

Enters the modern day superhero! A shortman with a toupe, a weird costume, and a big smile.

Jay Leno: So, Herman, you're the modern day superhero.
Herman: um, . . . uh, . . . yeah, I guess so.
Jay Leno: Who do you fight?
Herman: The forces of Evil!
Jay Leno: Who are they?
Herman: Democrats!
Jay Leno: Ah, well do you have any powers Herman?
Herman: Of course I do Jay, I'm ambidextrous.
Jay Leno: Well, that's uh, special I guess.
Herman: I also can see through glass.
Jay Leno: Well, most people can do that.
Herman: Really? Oh darn!
Jay Leno: Do you have any SUPERpowers?
Herman: I can fly.
Jay Leno: You can Fly??? Oh, how far can you fly?
Herman: If I don't hit a building or a tree, I can fy all the way to the ground.
Jay Leno: Well, how FAR can you fly?
Herman: How far can you throw me?
Jay Leno: Well , . . . uh, what do you hope for the most?
Herman: I hope that I don't spontaneously combust.
Jay Leno: Well, do you have any weaknesses?
Herman: Brownies, the double choclate with fudge.
Jay Leno: Hmm, well, Herman, I noticed your costume.
Herman: Yes, isn't it a humdinger?
Jay Leno: Yes very nice, just it has a "D" symbol on it.
Herman: Yes
Jay Leno: What does it stand for?
Herman: Oh, that's for my theme song.
Jay Leno: I didn't know you had a theme song.
Herman: Oh yes
Jay Leno: Well, what is it?
Herman: "Daa da da daaaaaah"

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