Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Army, staples, art lessons, SAT's, and american chop suey

So, to update everything. My bro. Luke was hit by a car a few days ago while riding his bike. I bet your jaw just dropped or your eyes popped. Right??? Yeah, he got 9 staples in his head like the RK song. He's doing good though, it wasn't that bad. Thankfully!!! He's going to be going to North Carolina for basic training in the army pretty soon; like in a week. He's going in as a chaplin's assistant. That's cool.
On the lighter side, I'm planning to get art lessons for a realllyyyy good rate from a pro. paintist, Mrs. Collins who runs an art on rotation gallery in my restaraunt Clark's Cafe. I think she has a website. Anyway, I'm getting ten lessons in sept. and I'm excited about that. Something about my restaraunt that happened today was that we ran out of American Chop Suey. It's popular, but we just had so many orders, we had to say that we were out by 12:30. That was probably really random, but what the hey. : )
Yeah, well I'm studying for my SAT's too. I got this really cool book written and revised every two years by 6 people who got perfect 1600's on theirs. It's funny. Right now I've memorized the vocab. words A-D. Whew!!! There are so many weird ones. Like Defenestration which means to throw out of a window, and Avuncular which means "like an uncle". By the way, ask your parent what 'Alimentary' means. They will tell you something different than the real meaning I promise! It really means 'supplying nourishment', so make sure to say that the dinner was very alimentary, but tasted like it should be defenstrated. : )


lovesarevolution said...

haha my jaw did drop lol

lovesarevolution said...

guess he doesn't know the rules of the road as well as you. but then again who does.