Monday, September 17, 2007

Shipping Out

Okay, I should tell you a little about my Bro. Luke and what's been happening. After waiting a long time he got his date for his army physical and, what do you know, was hit by a car which stalled it for a month until he was completely healed. After waiting another long while, he got it in, stayed over at a staff sergeant's place Thursday until the next day when he did a series of tasks and jobs for his physical, such as running for miles, duck-walking, push-ups, pull-ups, giving urine, giving blood, and a bunch of other things. And so, he gets through it all with flying colors, he's ready to swear in, and the irritating doctor says, "What's this about an inhaler?!"
You see, once when he was sick for two weeks straight, my mom decided to take him to our doctor, but he was out of town, so she took him to the hospital, where, since they weren't that bright, came him a temporary inhaler because of his case of bronchitus. It was not for asthma, but it was the same type of meds. Anyway, that doc. sent him home until he could get a doctor's note saying it wasn't for asthma. The problem; he was scheduled to ship out Thursday and had to swear in by Monday or Tuesday and we couldn't get the note over the weekend because that was the Doctor's days off. Aggrivating huh? Anyway, he was upset, but we prayed for God's help and He showed it to us by working everything out. Luke just left actually to swear in tommorrow and then to ship out on Thursday. Isn't God great???!!! = )

1 comment:

lovesarevolution said...

Wahoo thats a great thing to hear :)!