Khakis are something you start the car with
*You think crosswalks are for wimps
*You think if someone's nice to you, they either want something or they are from out of town and probably lost
*You know how to cross 4 lanes of traffic in 5 seconds
*You are amazed when traveling out of town that people who work atMcDonald's actually speak English
*You think it's not actually tailgating unless your bumper is touching the car in front of you
*You know that a yellow light means at least 5 more cars can get through ...and that a red light means 2 more can
*A Crown Victoria = Undercover Cop
*The transportation system is known as the "T" Subway is a fast food place
*You could own a small town in Iowa for the cost of your house
*There are 24 Dunkin Donuts shops within 15 minutes of your house
*When people talk about the "curse of the Bambino," you know exactly what they are talking about, and you believe in it too... or, did :)
*You think of Rhode Island as the "deep South" Anything past Worcester is "the middle of nowhere"
*You believe using a turn signal gives away your plan to the enemy
*If you stay on the same road long enough, it will eventually have 3 or more different names
*Someone has honked at you because you didn't peel out the second the light turned green----You've honked at someone because they didn't peel out the second the light turned green
*All the potholes just add excitement to your driving experience
*Stop signs mean slow down a little, but only if you feel like it
*Six inches of snow is considered a "dusting"
*Three days of 90+ heat is definitely a "heat wave" ... and 63 weather is "on the warm side"*$15 to park is a bargain
*You cringe every time you hear some actor/actress imitate the "Boston accent" on TV or in a movie.If you don't have it, you're never going to get it right ... even if you were born here
*At the ice cream shop, you call chocolate sprinkles "Jimmies"
*You can go from one side of your hometown to the other in less than 15 minutes and see at least 15 losers you graduated with doing the same exact same thing they were doing the last time you saw them
*You know what "Wicked Pissa" means and how to use it in a sentence.
*You know that Johnny Damon is a traitor and Coco Crisp isn't just a cerial.
*You know how to say "Worcester," "Haverhill," "Peabody," "Gloucester," "Salisbury," "Pelham," and "Needham" ..
*And finally because you know you will pass this on to spread Mass. pride :)
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Here's the link to Demon Hunter's new music video. They never cease to amaze me. I think this is my favorite song yet and that's saying a lot!!!
Saturday, December 8, 2007
What's wrong here?
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Why Does God Do This?
Have you ever been asked, "If there was a God, how could he let all the bad stuff happen in the world?" I know I have and it sickens me. First, we are in no way important enough to judge the mind and plan of God, we need to be kept in our places! Secondly, those who don't have God, are left out of one of the best promises in the Bible "All things work together for good to them that love God". And Thirdly, and I think this would be the best response to an unbeliever, "We, as a country, have been demanding that God be taken out of our schools, out of our government, and out of our lives; then we blame God for not giving us His blessing and protection when we demand with such ardor that He leave us alone!" How can we be so dumb as to blame God for giving us merely what we want? The more we take God out of the picture, the more bad things happen, and the more bad things happen, the more we blame God and try to remove Him from the picture. Dr. Spock said not to spank our kids because it would damage their minds and lower their self-esteem. His son commited suicide, but yet we said, "He's an expert, he must know what he's talking about. OKay." Now we wonder why our kids are killing strangers, teachers, and classmates. Why they rebel and yell at their parents. Why they do drugs and alcohol as teenagers. Why their minds and mouths are in the gutter. Why teenage girls are pregnant. Why teenage boys in prison. There is a pattern here! A pattern that has been all throughout history. A nation has four stages; great power, great wealth, great sin, great DESTRUCTION! The USA has gone through three of these that we know of and has started on number 4! Jesus is coming back to judge the world and our response, every one of us, will be to fall on our faces and declare He is Lord! The only question is will you do it voluntarily or not?? For christians, we can not wait for Him to return, for unbelievers, it is TERRIFYING!!! Which are you???
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Back from Vacation
Okay, it's been a while since my last post cause I've been gone on vacation to Canada. I visited my siblings and niece which is sooo cute and celebrated Christmas with them early. It was awesome. If you want to see pictures, you can go to my Facebook account and check out my album about it. It was really awesome!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Hays' and New Guitar
Okay, so Thanksgiving is coming and since my Dad is working, we are going over to the Hays' to see some familiar faces again for thanksgiving, I'm looking forward to it. However this isn't the only thing I'm excited about. Well, I'm going to Canada next monday for vacation to see my family and celebrating christmas. On top of that, on Black Friday, I'm getting a new guitar. It's really good, an Ibanez and looks like everything I've wanted from a guitar. Here's the link if interested.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
An Ode to Plurals
We'll begin with a box, and the plural is boxes,
But the plural of ox becomes oxen, not oxes.
One fowl is a goose, but two are called geese,
Yet the plural of moose should never be meese.
You may find a lone mouse or a nest full of mice,
Yet the plural of house is houses, not hice.
If the plural of man is always called men,
Why shouldn't the plural of pan be called pen?
If I speak of my foot and show you my feet,
And I give you a boot, would a pair be called beet?
If one is a tooth and a whole set are teeth,
Why shouldn't the plural of booth be called beeth?
Then one may be that, and three would be those,
Yet hat in the plural would never be hose,
And the plural of cat is cats, not cose.
We speak of a brother and also of brethren,
But though we say mother, we never say methren.
Then the masculine pronouns are he, his and him,
But imagine the feminine: she, shis and shim!
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~=20
Let's face it - English is a crazy language. There is no egg in eggplantnor ham in hamburger; neither apple nor pine in pineapple. Englishmuffins weren't invented in England. We take English for granted, but ifwe explore its paradoxes, we find that quicksand can work slowly, boxingrings are square, and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it apig.And why is it that writers write but fingers don't fing, grocers don'tgroce and hammers don't ham? Doesn't it seem crazy that you can makeamends but not one amend. If you have a bunch of odds and ends and getrid of all but one of them, what do you call it?If teachers taught, why didn't preachers praught? If a vegetarian eatsvegetables, what does a humanitarian eat? Sometimes I think all thefolks who grew up speaking English should be committed to an asylum forthe verbally insane.In what other language do people recite at a play and play at a recital?We ship by truck but send cargo by ship. We have noses that run and feetthat smell. We park in a driveway and drive in a parkway. And how can aslim chance and a fat chance be thesame, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites?You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which yourhouse can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form byfilling it out, and in which an alarm goes off by going on.And, in closing, if Father is Pop, how come Mother's not Mop?
But the plural of ox becomes oxen, not oxes.
One fowl is a goose, but two are called geese,
Yet the plural of moose should never be meese.
You may find a lone mouse or a nest full of mice,
Yet the plural of house is houses, not hice.
If the plural of man is always called men,
Why shouldn't the plural of pan be called pen?
If I speak of my foot and show you my feet,
And I give you a boot, would a pair be called beet?
If one is a tooth and a whole set are teeth,
Why shouldn't the plural of booth be called beeth?
Then one may be that, and three would be those,
Yet hat in the plural would never be hose,
And the plural of cat is cats, not cose.
We speak of a brother and also of brethren,
But though we say mother, we never say methren.
Then the masculine pronouns are he, his and him,
But imagine the feminine: she, shis and shim!
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~=20
Let's face it - English is a crazy language. There is no egg in eggplantnor ham in hamburger; neither apple nor pine in pineapple. Englishmuffins weren't invented in England. We take English for granted, but ifwe explore its paradoxes, we find that quicksand can work slowly, boxingrings are square, and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it apig.And why is it that writers write but fingers don't fing, grocers don'tgroce and hammers don't ham? Doesn't it seem crazy that you can makeamends but not one amend. If you have a bunch of odds and ends and getrid of all but one of them, what do you call it?If teachers taught, why didn't preachers praught? If a vegetarian eatsvegetables, what does a humanitarian eat? Sometimes I think all thefolks who grew up speaking English should be committed to an asylum forthe verbally insane.In what other language do people recite at a play and play at a recital?We ship by truck but send cargo by ship. We have noses that run and feetthat smell. We park in a driveway and drive in a parkway. And how can aslim chance and a fat chance be thesame, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites?You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which yourhouse can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form byfilling it out, and in which an alarm goes off by going on.And, in closing, if Father is Pop, how come Mother's not Mop?
Thursday, November 8, 2007
You're mouth will drop when reading this!
Okay so I had a very embarrassing thing happen the other day. As I was at work I bent down carrying some boxes and my pants ripped wide open. Yeah, that's right, laugh!!! The thing is that if I had bent with my back, it wouldn't have happened, but being a good kid, I bent with my knees and all the pressure was put onto the cheap second-hand cargos I was wearing. However, I was in the back room, so I didn't cause any innocent little old lady eating at the cafe to shriek. I did have to put on an apron backwards and have my boss drive me home so I could quickly change. It's hilarious I know!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Art Lessons
Well my art lessons are now about to begin. I spent $200 on art supplies yesterday to get ready for it. It's amazing how much you actually need for some watercolor painting. I got everything my teacher told me to start out with. I got nine basic colors of watercolors in tubes, I got a covered palatte, three round brushes, 1 rigger, and 2 flat, a block of cold press watercolor paper, a 2b pencil, a gummy eraser, tape, sponges, and a small spray bottle. There are some other small things I need, but I already have them. I'm excited about it. I'll be a painter!!!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Halo 3
Ok, so I got Halo 3 the other day and have been really impressed. I have always loved the Halo series and the storyline behind it, but this one is the best so far in my opinion. The graphics in it are just spectacular. THe major thing for me is the complete interactivity of the enviroment. The individual plants and grass move when you step on them, wooden crates and barrells fall over and roll around when move into them or hit them. you can shoot holes in walls branches off trees. You can also go up to a alien you just killed and hit it with your gun and it will move very accurately. Also, the backgrounds and scenery are literally out of this world. The gameplay is of course halo, but they added new dynamics and abilities that make it even more exciting. I've been really impressed.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Pumpkin Pie Fudge
Okay, I had some really good fudge today. We went to Colonial Candies after church today and I got some of their pumpkin pie fudge. It was phenomenal. Just thought I'd tell that random piece of information. I played my guitar in the song service today at the church we're attending, that was cool. Yesterday, my parents celebrated their 30th anniversary and they were gone the whole day. They had fun while I stayed at home watching movies and playing guitar hero. Oh, another random fact, I bought new socks today and oh, do they feel nice! I think putting on new socks is true happiness. = )
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
RK christmas
Ok, so I ordered the cd the day it came out and I'm really excited about the new Relient K christmas cd, "Let is Snow Baby, Let it Reindeer". I should get it tomorrow or so and am anxious to listen to it. The cd includes all of the songs from the Deck the Halls, Bruise Your Hands album along with I think it's 8 or 9 new ones. I've heard a few of them and like them alot. Call me sentimental, but I really like Christmas and am getting in the mood early.
Friday, October 19, 2007
More hours!
Boy, I am going to be busy. The restaraunt I work at is opening until 8 pm on Thursdays and Fridays so I will be working from 9 am to 8 pm both of those days. whewww! Well, it's an answer to prayer cause I prayed for more hours. Pray for me though that I will have the strength to do this. God is good.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Anberlin's Cities
CD: Cities
Artist: Anberlin
Year: 2007
Music Type: Hard Rock/Alternative
*Lyrics/Songwriting: 8/10
*Instruments: 10/10
*Vocals: 9/10
*Message: 7/10
*Sound: 10/10
*Overall: 8.4/10
Comments: Quite an extraordinary album. Anberlin has matured quite a bit. The album is good is basically every way. Stirring Vocals of Stephen Christian along with his wonderfully matured sense of lyrics and songwriting captured me very much. His lyrics show a more personal, passionate sense. Lyrics such as "We don't question God, just those He chose to carry on His cross." and "Dismantle Me, Repair Me. I have to be honest, I tried to escape from You. . . . Call a prelude to a lifetime of You." show his more mature and serious-minded approach to life. Also, Joseph Milligan is one of the best guitarists in my opinion in Christian music. He writes the music for the songs and show his incredible talents the seldom solos such as the one in 'Godspeed' the hit single off of the album. The incredible thing about this cd is that most of the better songs are at the end of the album. My favorites from it are Godspeed, Unwinding Cable Car, Alexithymia, and Dismantle, Repair. This album pushed Anberlin to my No. 4th fav. band and I would recommend it to any fan of Alt. Hard Rock or just Rock in general.
Artist: Anberlin
Year: 2007
Music Type: Hard Rock/Alternative
*Lyrics/Songwriting: 8/10
*Instruments: 10/10
*Vocals: 9/10
*Message: 7/10
*Sound: 10/10
*Overall: 8.4/10
Comments: Quite an extraordinary album. Anberlin has matured quite a bit. The album is good is basically every way. Stirring Vocals of Stephen Christian along with his wonderfully matured sense of lyrics and songwriting captured me very much. His lyrics show a more personal, passionate sense. Lyrics such as "We don't question God, just those He chose to carry on His cross." and "Dismantle Me, Repair Me. I have to be honest, I tried to escape from You. . . . Call a prelude to a lifetime of You." show his more mature and serious-minded approach to life. Also, Joseph Milligan is one of the best guitarists in my opinion in Christian music. He writes the music for the songs and show his incredible talents the seldom solos such as the one in 'Godspeed' the hit single off of the album. The incredible thing about this cd is that most of the better songs are at the end of the album. My favorites from it are Godspeed, Unwinding Cable Car, Alexithymia, and Dismantle, Repair. This album pushed Anberlin to my No. 4th fav. band and I would recommend it to any fan of Alt. Hard Rock or just Rock in general.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Falling Up's Captiva
CD: Captiva
Artist: Falling Up
Year: 2007
Music Type: Hard Rock/Gothic
*Lyrics/Songwriting: 9/10
*Instruments: 8/10
*Vocals: 9/10
*Message: 8/10
*Sound: 7/10
*Overall: 8.2/10
Comments: Very impressed with this album. A unique blend of stirring lyrics, powerful vocals, and synthesized music. The previous two albums of this band have been very good as well. This is everything that could be expected from Falling Up. Although some of the songs aren't as catchy as their previous cds, the songs grow on you quickly and after listening to them a couple times they stick in your head. The hits off the album which are Hotel Aquarium, Goodnight Gravity, and Maps are all very powerfully exciting songs. The writing style is so unique in that it uses abstract ideas and almost dream-inspired lyrics. Sometimes is seems freaky, but yet evocative as well. They remain with a good message with lyrics like 'I can hear Him calling, "Come and follow Me my child ." ' and 'The further I am from You, the harder I try to exist, take these blinds from my eyes and wake me from the inside'. Although the music has matured a bit, it is still awesome music.
Artist: Falling Up
Year: 2007
Music Type: Hard Rock/Gothic
*Lyrics/Songwriting: 9/10
*Instruments: 8/10
*Vocals: 9/10
*Message: 8/10
*Sound: 7/10
*Overall: 8.2/10
Comments: Very impressed with this album. A unique blend of stirring lyrics, powerful vocals, and synthesized music. The previous two albums of this band have been very good as well. This is everything that could be expected from Falling Up. Although some of the songs aren't as catchy as their previous cds, the songs grow on you quickly and after listening to them a couple times they stick in your head. The hits off the album which are Hotel Aquarium, Goodnight Gravity, and Maps are all very powerfully exciting songs. The writing style is so unique in that it uses abstract ideas and almost dream-inspired lyrics. Sometimes is seems freaky, but yet evocative as well. They remain with a good message with lyrics like 'I can hear Him calling, "Come and follow Me my child ." ' and 'The further I am from You, the harder I try to exist, take these blinds from my eyes and wake me from the inside'. Although the music has matured a bit, it is still awesome music.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Music rankings moved!
okay, so with my music rankings have moved. Relient K is still no. 1 and Switchfoot is still no. 2, but now I have a 3rd and 4th. Falling up has moved to no. 3 with their latest cd 'captiva' which is so awesome! They have come out with 3 albums, all of which have rocked me extremely. Next, Anberlin has no. 4 since their latest cd 'cities'. I got it and I loved it so much. So, Kutless is in n0. 5 now. I also got Emery's cd 'the question' and am really impressed with it. I plan on doing a review on all three of these cds.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
I saw ratatouille a few days ago and it was awesome! A must-see. It was a completely hilarious movie. Another Pixar animated film that captured my heart and funny-bone. On the other side of things, we got Luke's mailing address. If you're interesting, I can send it to you.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Declaration of Dependence
This is something I thought of and how the United States has fallen away from God so much, I think everyone christian should take this pledge with me.
I pledge allegiance to a God who is not followed by the United States of America
And to the Savior, by which I stand
One family, under God
with Mercy AND Justice for ALL.
I pledge allegiance to a God who is not followed by the United States of America
And to the Savior, by which I stand
One family, under God
with Mercy AND Justice for ALL.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Something cool I found out today. Bach, the very famous classical composer of which some say is the greatest of all time, was a devout christian that did something very impacting. At the beginning of every piece of music he wrote in Latin 'Only by the grace of God', saying that he only had his talent because God gave him his gift. Also, at the end of every piece he wrote "For the glory of God", showing that after the music was played, after the band bowed, after the audience was done applauding, that it was all for God's glory.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
A Raise!!!!!
I'm excited. I finally got up the courage to ask my Boss(a very big accomplishment). I asked him for a raise, the first time. I have been working there for 14 months and after some encouragement from my parents and co-workers, I went to him to today and talked with him about it. He agreed with my reasons and gave me 50 cent raise(per hour). It doesn't seem like a lot, but it added up after 60 hours of work every pay period. God is good. I was really nervous, but he gave me the courage. All glory goes to Him.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
No church
Okay, so we were planning on going to this Congregational Church today, so we checked out when the service started and it said 9:30, so we go over to it then and on the bulletin board, it says that it starts at 10:30 because of Autumn hours, so we go home and wait for an hour. We head over to the church and the doors are locked. Apparently, the pastor's on vacation or something, so we had our own service and stuff. I feel sorry for my mom, she got into a dress for nothing.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
By Micah Lang
Melodious whispers penetrate my thoughts of confusion and fear.
As I walk on this beach, I feel them pass me, these ghosts of the seaside.
I feel alone, so alone as twilight breaches the horizon, but I know that they are near.
My mind races as the eeriness of the dim light fills my head with terror.
I race up the lonely, bare hill to the tall structure, this coliseum.
I enter the arena and the lights flood my sight even though they are dim.
They are others here in the dim light; horrific and gruesome imitations of past memories
Things representing parts of my past existence.
I can leave at any time, but I am drawn to the middle of the arena.
Eyes look out at me.
Eyes of a neon predator in the dim light.
A calm terror creeps on me, but I can not force myself to leave.
I must see more.
Illusions of a world not my own come before my vision.
The light is blinding even though it is so dim.
I can not take it.
I walk out and turn off the lights.
There is no double meaning
No symbolism.
I merely and literally turned off the lights
This was my first mistake
Because things come at you in the dark.
Melodious whispers penetrate my thoughts of confusion and fear.
As I walk on this beach, I feel them pass me, these ghosts of the seaside.
I feel alone, so alone as twilight breaches the horizon, but I know that they are near.
My mind races as the eeriness of the dim light fills my head with terror.
I race up the lonely, bare hill to the tall structure, this coliseum.
I enter the arena and the lights flood my sight even though they are dim.
They are others here in the dim light; horrific and gruesome imitations of past memories
Things representing parts of my past existence.
I can leave at any time, but I am drawn to the middle of the arena.
Eyes look out at me.
Eyes of a neon predator in the dim light.
A calm terror creeps on me, but I can not force myself to leave.
I must see more.
Illusions of a world not my own come before my vision.
The light is blinding even though it is so dim.
I can not take it.
I walk out and turn off the lights.
There is no double meaning
No symbolism.
I merely and literally turned off the lights
This was my first mistake
Because things come at you in the dark.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Shipping Out
Okay, I should tell you a little about my Bro. Luke and what's been happening. After waiting a long time he got his date for his army physical and, what do you know, was hit by a car which stalled it for a month until he was completely healed. After waiting another long while, he got it in, stayed over at a staff sergeant's place Thursday until the next day when he did a series of tasks and jobs for his physical, such as running for miles, duck-walking, push-ups, pull-ups, giving urine, giving blood, and a bunch of other things. And so, he gets through it all with flying colors, he's ready to swear in, and the irritating doctor says, "What's this about an inhaler?!"
You see, once when he was sick for two weeks straight, my mom decided to take him to our doctor, but he was out of town, so she took him to the hospital, where, since they weren't that bright, came him a temporary inhaler because of his case of bronchitus. It was not for asthma, but it was the same type of meds. Anyway, that doc. sent him home until he could get a doctor's note saying it wasn't for asthma. The problem; he was scheduled to ship out Thursday and had to swear in by Monday or Tuesday and we couldn't get the note over the weekend because that was the Doctor's days off. Aggrivating huh? Anyway, he was upset, but we prayed for God's help and He showed it to us by working everything out. Luke just left actually to swear in tommorrow and then to ship out on Thursday. Isn't God great???!!! = )
You see, once when he was sick for two weeks straight, my mom decided to take him to our doctor, but he was out of town, so she took him to the hospital, where, since they weren't that bright, came him a temporary inhaler because of his case of bronchitus. It was not for asthma, but it was the same type of meds. Anyway, that doc. sent him home until he could get a doctor's note saying it wasn't for asthma. The problem; he was scheduled to ship out Thursday and had to swear in by Monday or Tuesday and we couldn't get the note over the weekend because that was the Doctor's days off. Aggrivating huh? Anyway, he was upset, but we prayed for God's help and He showed it to us by working everything out. Luke just left actually to swear in tommorrow and then to ship out on Thursday. Isn't God great???!!! = )
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Nobody really understands the importance of mysteries. I mean the great the mysteries of life; not just those little mysteries that our feeble minds can't understand right away. Think, if we understood all mysteries, then we would be so confident in our own understanding that we wouldn't think we even needed God. A continual strive in our lives, even non-christians, is to understand these mysteries that life holds, without them, life would be meaningless. The whole purpose of these mysteries is to show how lacking in knowledge we as humans really are so that God can receive the glory. All of the mysteries in life point to God. Jon Foreman phrased it well when he wrote, "I've been standing on the edge of me, just standing on the edge of me; on fire, burning up in these mysteries."
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
College, Tuna Melts, Ruebens, and Rachels
Well, I'm almost done registering for my SAT's; it's going to be Oct. 6 and since I've been doing my studying and registering, I've been looking more into colleges. I've found three that I really like. One's called Mass. College of Art, one's the Boston College of Art, and one's Worcester State college. The latter is the cheapest and closest, but isn't an art school like the others, even though it has a great art curriculum. I feel more confident now about my near future now.
Onto other things, I'm getting quite the reputation at my restaraunt. I am known very well for my tuna(tuna melts) and my ruebens(corned beef and saurkraut on grilled rye bread with swiss and Thousand Island Dressing), in fact, Gretchen, our head-cook, has asked me to come out and make them because I'm so good at it. = ) Something funny though, is that I learned a couple days ago that there is a food called a Rachel. It's basically a rueben with cole slaw in side instead of saurkraut. Funny huh?
Onto other things, I'm getting quite the reputation at my restaraunt. I am known very well for my tuna(tuna melts) and my ruebens(corned beef and saurkraut on grilled rye bread with swiss and Thousand Island Dressing), in fact, Gretchen, our head-cook, has asked me to come out and make them because I'm so good at it. = ) Something funny though, is that I learned a couple days ago that there is a food called a Rachel. It's basically a rueben with cole slaw in side instead of saurkraut. Funny huh?
Friday, September 7, 2007
Krystal Meyers' Dying for a Heart
CD: Dying For a Heart
Artist: Krystal Meyers
Year: 2006
Music Type: Punk Rock/Pop
*Lyrics/Songwriting: 8/10
*Instruments: 7/10
*Vocals: 9/10
*Message: 8/10
*Sound: 9/10
*Overall: 8.2/10
Comments: Krystal Meyers' unique sound is very similar to Superchick. Although the hit singles off of the album are slow, more poppy songs, the rest of the songs(like Superchick) are more punky. The vocals are very pure and clear with a wide range while the lyrics include a unique wit. The songs include a strong christian message that border on worship with their clarity. While 'Beauty of Grace' and 'Hallelujah' are the hit singles, all the other songs are very good as well. 'Only you Make Me Happy' is a very addictive song that I listened to once several times in a row. It's a very good album. I highly recommend it.
Artist: Krystal Meyers
Year: 2006
Music Type: Punk Rock/Pop
*Lyrics/Songwriting: 8/10
*Instruments: 7/10
*Vocals: 9/10
*Message: 8/10
*Sound: 9/10
*Overall: 8.2/10
Comments: Krystal Meyers' unique sound is very similar to Superchick. Although the hit singles off of the album are slow, more poppy songs, the rest of the songs(like Superchick) are more punky. The vocals are very pure and clear with a wide range while the lyrics include a unique wit. The songs include a strong christian message that border on worship with their clarity. While 'Beauty of Grace' and 'Hallelujah' are the hit singles, all the other songs are very good as well. 'Only you Make Me Happy' is a very addictive song that I listened to once several times in a row. It's a very good album. I highly recommend it.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Guitar Hero and school!!!
Ok, so my first day of school was today and I was up at 5 am doing it. It will take a little while to get used to getting up so early. I have an easier year this year than last, but its my worst favorite type of work. The logic courses are easy though.
Ok, so I got Guitar Hero II for the xbox 360 and I have been like so addicted to it. It's like DDR if you have played that except you have a guitar and you play it like that only over 6 notes. I love it so much. I'm onto Hard now, but there are a few songs I'm not sure I'll beat.
Ok, so I got Guitar Hero II for the xbox 360 and I have been like so addicted to it. It's like DDR if you have played that except you have a guitar and you play it like that only over 6 notes. I love it so much. I'm onto Hard now, but there are a few songs I'm not sure I'll beat.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
A little Sunday Relient K
Well, today we had our own private sunday service. I played guitar and my mom played piano as we did half a dozen songs. Then we had corporate where we prayed for each other. Then my Dad, being such a good preacher, gave us a sermon on John 1. Then, surprisingly, my dad asked me to play and sing Relient K's Getting Into You since I was playing and singing it early. That was fun.
Anyway, yesterday I cooked at work. It was busy! We served for the first time, fried dough with cinnamon/sugar and strawberries. I brought some home for Luke since he likes it so much. He loved it. I must admit that it was gooood!
Anyway, yesterday I cooked at work. It was busy! We served for the first time, fried dough with cinnamon/sugar and strawberries. I brought some home for Luke since he likes it so much. He loved it. I must admit that it was gooood!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Buzz of de buzzz. Whatever that means. Ok, well it was sad today cause' Kelly one of the regular waitresses at my Restaraunt, her cousin was killed yesterday in a motorcycle accident. So, everyone was sad cause she was. She cried quite a few times, but she seems ok. Onto other things, I did a cover of Be My Escape by RK, but the video was too big to put on youtube even though it was only 3 1/2 minutes long and I tried putting it on here, but gave up after an hour and ten minutes of waiting for it to upload. So, sorry you have to miss out. It turns out that we aren't going to the church we thought we were cause' of someting that we found out that they believe that we didn't know before. Apparently, they believe that spiritual gifts such as speaking in tongues and other stuff like that, that I have personally experienced, are no longer apparent and that only the disciples used them. On top of that, they said that anyone who believes in them now-a-days is either demonic or crazy(or something to that nature). So, back to the drawing board. Anyway, that's the recent buzzzzz of de buzzz.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Now, THIS is really fascinating - it's rather dazzling to see it presented this way.

Antares is the 15th brightest star in the sky. It is more than 1000 light years away.
Now how big are you?
Now TRY to wrap your mind around this ... This is a Hubble Telescope Ultra Deep Field Infrared View of countless 'ENTIRE' Galaxies Billions of Light-Years Away.

Now how big are you?
Now TRY to wrap your mind around this ... This is a Hubble Telescope Ultra Deep Field Infrared View of countless 'ENTIRE' Galaxies Billions of Light-Years Away.

Humbling, isn't it? Now How Big Are You? And how big are the things that upset you today? Keep life in perspective and don't sweat the small stuff!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Spur58's Sleepwalkers
CD: Sleepwalkers
Artist: Spur58
Year: 2006
Music Type: Religious/Rock
*Lyrics/Songwriting: 6/10
*Instruments: 7/10
*Vocals: 9/10
*Message: 8/10
*Sound: 6/10
*Overall: 7.2/10
Comments: The defining quality of this band is its singer. A very compelling voice stood out to me very much. Although along with this, the cd has some very good hits and a good message. "The Wonderful" is a passionate worship song. On the other side, the album wasn't produced that well, leaving it with a more live sounding quality. I enjoy the album and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys the style. Ready to Love and Sleepwalkers are both songs that have catchy tunes and lyrics and are my personal favorites off of it.
Artist: Spur58
Year: 2006
Music Type: Religious/Rock
*Lyrics/Songwriting: 6/10
*Instruments: 7/10
*Vocals: 9/10
*Message: 8/10
*Sound: 6/10
*Overall: 7.2/10
Comments: The defining quality of this band is its singer. A very compelling voice stood out to me very much. Although along with this, the cd has some very good hits and a good message. "The Wonderful" is a passionate worship song. On the other side, the album wasn't produced that well, leaving it with a more live sounding quality. I enjoy the album and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys the style. Ready to Love and Sleepwalkers are both songs that have catchy tunes and lyrics and are my personal favorites off of it.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Army, staples, art lessons, SAT's, and american chop suey
So, to update everything. My bro. Luke was hit by a car a few days ago while riding his bike. I bet your jaw just dropped or your eyes popped. Right??? Yeah, he got 9 staples in his head like the RK song. He's doing good though, it wasn't that bad. Thankfully!!! He's going to be going to North Carolina for basic training in the army pretty soon; like in a week. He's going in as a chaplin's assistant. That's cool.
On the lighter side, I'm planning to get art lessons for a realllyyyy good rate from a pro. paintist, Mrs. Collins who runs an art on rotation gallery in my restaraunt Clark's Cafe. I think she has a website. Anyway, I'm getting ten lessons in sept. and I'm excited about that. Something about my restaraunt that happened today was that we ran out of American Chop Suey. It's popular, but we just had so many orders, we had to say that we were out by 12:30. That was probably really random, but what the hey. : )
Yeah, well I'm studying for my SAT's too. I got this really cool book written and revised every two years by 6 people who got perfect 1600's on theirs. It's funny. Right now I've memorized the vocab. words A-D. Whew!!! There are so many weird ones. Like Defenestration which means to throw out of a window, and Avuncular which means "like an uncle". By the way, ask your parent what 'Alimentary' means. They will tell you something different than the real meaning I promise! It really means 'supplying nourishment', so make sure to say that the dinner was very alimentary, but tasted like it should be defenstrated. : )
On the lighter side, I'm planning to get art lessons for a realllyyyy good rate from a pro. paintist, Mrs. Collins who runs an art on rotation gallery in my restaraunt Clark's Cafe. I think she has a website. Anyway, I'm getting ten lessons in sept. and I'm excited about that. Something about my restaraunt that happened today was that we ran out of American Chop Suey. It's popular, but we just had so many orders, we had to say that we were out by 12:30. That was probably really random, but what the hey. : )
Yeah, well I'm studying for my SAT's too. I got this really cool book written and revised every two years by 6 people who got perfect 1600's on theirs. It's funny. Right now I've memorized the vocab. words A-D. Whew!!! There are so many weird ones. Like Defenestration which means to throw out of a window, and Avuncular which means "like an uncle". By the way, ask your parent what 'Alimentary' means. They will tell you something different than the real meaning I promise! It really means 'supplying nourishment', so make sure to say that the dinner was very alimentary, but tasted like it should be defenstrated. : )
Thursday, August 16, 2007
New music and such
Okay, so I'm excited about my new cds. I just got four more from cbd which include Newsboys "Go", Spur58's "Sleepwalkers", Natalie Grant's "Awaken", and Krystal Meyers "Dying for a Heart". I needed some new tunes to listen to and I hope to get into it, since three of the bands I have no other albums from.
Onto other things, I just got back from visiting some old friends. I had an awesome time and loved it. It was really good seeing some old faces again.
By the way, I've been craving Apple Jacks lately.
Onto other things, I just got back from visiting some old friends. I had an awesome time and loved it. It was really good seeing some old faces again.
By the way, I've been craving Apple Jacks lately.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
More than just no sin
A while ago I heard the expression that Justification was us living as if we'd never sinned, but it wasn't until I heard the pastor at a church last Sunday that I realized that this is not the case. It is far much more than that! Sin or 'missing the mark' is more than just disobeying one of the ten commandments or making a mistake, but anything short of perfection is a sin. Anytime we do anything without glorying God in it is missing the mark. It brings into perspective just how sinful we really are. The beauty of Justification is that it is not only us living life without sin(because of Jesus of course), but also living as if we have accomplished the perfect righteousness of Jesus as well. Imagine, as Christians, we have walked on water, and raised people from the dead. We were crucified on a cross, had God's wrath poured on us, and then rose again on the third day. That is Justification! If only people actually realized this more than they do, even christians! Then they would live their lives more for God than themselves, because they wouldn't want to disgrace and humiliate that grace and love.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
CD: Conquering the Fear of Flight
Artist: Wavorly
Year: 2007
Music Type: Alternative/Hard Rock
*Lyrics/Songwriting: 10/10
*Instruments: 10/10
*Vocals: 7/10
*Message: 8/10
*Sound: 10/10
*Overall: 9.0/10
Comments: Amazing is a word that comes to mind when referencing this album. The debut from this new band was not at all what I had in mind when I got it. Only hearing a part of one song, I was expecting a more Everyday Sunday-type sound; however, I listened the cd all the way through and was completely amazed. The album starts and ends with instrumentals which is very well-written and evocative. The composition of the instruments was extraordinary. Along with the sound, it has powerful lyrics and a great message. The writer's use of metaphors in his songs really makes you think. There are no hit singles like many new artists have in their first albums, but every song is unique and very good-sounding. I could not choose a best song off of it, but love every one. I highly recommend it.
Artist: Wavorly
Year: 2007
Music Type: Alternative/Hard Rock
*Lyrics/Songwriting: 10/10
*Instruments: 10/10
*Vocals: 7/10
*Message: 8/10
*Sound: 10/10
*Overall: 9.0/10
Comments: Amazing is a word that comes to mind when referencing this album. The debut from this new band was not at all what I had in mind when I got it. Only hearing a part of one song, I was expecting a more Everyday Sunday-type sound; however, I listened the cd all the way through and was completely amazed. The album starts and ends with instrumentals which is very well-written and evocative. The composition of the instruments was extraordinary. Along with the sound, it has powerful lyrics and a great message. The writer's use of metaphors in his songs really makes you think. There are no hit singles like many new artists have in their first albums, but every song is unique and very good-sounding. I could not choose a best song off of it, but love every one. I highly recommend it.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
my life lately
I haven't been able to blog lately. However, lately I've been very busy. Last Monday I started Driver's Ed. and I'm doing very good at it. My driver instructor is very funny. I don't have my L.P. yet, but soon hopefully. Last Thursday I went to Maine to visit my bro. there and got back on Sunday night. After that, I worked and am working the week 9 to 3, then going to Driver's Ed. 5 to 8. So, you can guess how busy I've been. Anyway, God's been good as always and I hope He blesses you.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Rebecca St. James' If I Had One Chance to Tell You Something
CD: If I Had One Chance to Tell You Something
Artist: Rebecca St. James
Year: 2005
Music Type: Contemporary/Religious
*Lyrics/Songwriting: 10/10
*Instruments: 7/10
*Vocals: 10/10
*Message: 10/10
*Sound: 9/10
*Overall: 9.2/10
Comments: Rebecca St. James comes out with a complete masterpiece! With a high-energenic pop sound and the strong and beautiful vocals of an Australian Kelly Clarkson, Rebecca and her band have come out with an album with the spirituality of a worship album and the highly-addictive lyrics and sound of any contemporary band. The hit singles Come Alive, God Help Me, Beautiful Stranger, and You are Loved show the unique style of the band, but are not the only good songs. Songs like Love Being Loved by You, Take All of Me, and Forgive Me are as worshipful as Chris Tomlin or David Crowder and I wouldn't feel uncomfortable singing them in church. The album has much meaning to Rebecca where as the song Beautiful Stranger was written as a motivator for people to the missionairy field from when she visited Africa and You are Loved which was a song written to an old friend who left God. The album includes Thank You which has a guest rap solo by Toby Mac which adds to the uniqueness of it. This cd in my opinion is one of the 10 best contemporary christian cds in the past decade. Highly recommended.
Artist: Rebecca St. James
Year: 2005
Music Type: Contemporary/Religious
*Lyrics/Songwriting: 10/10
*Instruments: 7/10
*Vocals: 10/10
*Message: 10/10
*Sound: 9/10
*Overall: 9.2/10
Comments: Rebecca St. James comes out with a complete masterpiece! With a high-energenic pop sound and the strong and beautiful vocals of an Australian Kelly Clarkson, Rebecca and her band have come out with an album with the spirituality of a worship album and the highly-addictive lyrics and sound of any contemporary band. The hit singles Come Alive, God Help Me, Beautiful Stranger, and You are Loved show the unique style of the band, but are not the only good songs. Songs like Love Being Loved by You, Take All of Me, and Forgive Me are as worshipful as Chris Tomlin or David Crowder and I wouldn't feel uncomfortable singing them in church. The album has much meaning to Rebecca where as the song Beautiful Stranger was written as a motivator for people to the missionairy field from when she visited Africa and You are Loved which was a song written to an old friend who left God. The album includes Thank You which has a guest rap solo by Toby Mac which adds to the uniqueness of it. This cd in my opinion is one of the 10 best contemporary christian cds in the past decade. Highly recommended.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
My "Footprints in the Sand"
My ‘Footprints in the Sand’
By Micah Lang
It all happened so fast. I was with my best friend. I was in heaven. I was walking along the unseen ground with Him. He took me to a special place where I was with Him alone. I looked into the clouds and saw my past. I was crying and so was He.
It was so real and yet not quite the same. It seemed so different. I saw a man with his back turned facing God. This man was a murderer; a thief; a sinner. The God he was answering to was massive and powerful and angry. The God spoke but a single word and the man involuntarily fell to the ground, bowing before this awesome power. The man was subject to death for all his wrong-doings.
Right before the killing blow though, the God’s son approached; the son of which this God loved so much. He was His only son and of which no greater love could be given to from Him.
“What is it my beloved son?” the God said.
“I accept this sinner’s punishment as my own,” the son replied.
The man looked up at the God’s son. The son looked back with tears of blood in His eyes. He then looked back to His father.
The father stared back with tears in His own eyes. This was a great sight to see such a power and glory in such pain.
“Yes my son,” the God said.
Within an instance, the furious and awesome wrath of an angry God was poured in His own son. The punishment consumed the son and destroyed Him. All for the sinner; the guilty man.
“You are free to choose,” the God said and left in an instance.
The man was left alone to think of this and what had happened. He started walking away into the sunset, but he was stopped by a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and looked into the eyes of the son that took his punishment and pain.
“Why did you do that for me?” the man asked.
The son looked into the man’s eyes with nothing but kindness.
“You needed it,” the son said, “you had done nothing but wrong.”
“Everyone does wrong!” the man said furiously.
“Every man makes mistakes,” the son said, “but I did not. I lived a completely perfect life. I didn’t deserve any punishment.”
The man looked into the eyes of son, realizing the circumstances of what happened.
“Why did you do it then?” the man asked again.
“I had no other option,” the son said with tears in His eyes, “I love you far too much. The greatest of my love for you required it of me. There was nothing else I could do. If you felt the love I feel for you, then you would understand, but you can’t. Not yet. Come with me and I will take you to a place where you can experience this love.”
“I am free!!!”
“Yes, but if you don’t, then you will receive your punishment anyway.”
“I am free!!!”
“Please,” the son said, dropping to His knees, “please accept this gift I give to you.”
“I am free,” the man said and walked off.
It was then that I recognized the face of the man. It was me. It was all for me. I continued looking.
I was running; running as far away as I could. I kept looking over my shoulder to see if I was out of sight of my savior. He got very far, but was never out of sight. He was always looking at me; wanting me to come back.
It was at this point in my life where I stopped running. I realized what I was doing. My eyes filled with tears as I realized what my sin had done. I turned around and stared at Him.
I started walking back toward Him and as soon as I did, He came running to me with His arms wide open. He was there in an instance and embraced me as hard as He could. I embraced Him too and I felt a peace I never thought possible. Tears flowed from my eyes.
I realized that I was secure in His love, because now that I embraced Him, HE WOULD NEVER LET ME GO!
By Micah Lang
It all happened so fast. I was with my best friend. I was in heaven. I was walking along the unseen ground with Him. He took me to a special place where I was with Him alone. I looked into the clouds and saw my past. I was crying and so was He.
It was so real and yet not quite the same. It seemed so different. I saw a man with his back turned facing God. This man was a murderer; a thief; a sinner. The God he was answering to was massive and powerful and angry. The God spoke but a single word and the man involuntarily fell to the ground, bowing before this awesome power. The man was subject to death for all his wrong-doings.
Right before the killing blow though, the God’s son approached; the son of which this God loved so much. He was His only son and of which no greater love could be given to from Him.
“What is it my beloved son?” the God said.
“I accept this sinner’s punishment as my own,” the son replied.
The man looked up at the God’s son. The son looked back with tears of blood in His eyes. He then looked back to His father.
The father stared back with tears in His own eyes. This was a great sight to see such a power and glory in such pain.
“Yes my son,” the God said.
Within an instance, the furious and awesome wrath of an angry God was poured in His own son. The punishment consumed the son and destroyed Him. All for the sinner; the guilty man.
“You are free to choose,” the God said and left in an instance.
The man was left alone to think of this and what had happened. He started walking away into the sunset, but he was stopped by a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and looked into the eyes of the son that took his punishment and pain.
“Why did you do that for me?” the man asked.
The son looked into the man’s eyes with nothing but kindness.
“You needed it,” the son said, “you had done nothing but wrong.”
“Everyone does wrong!” the man said furiously.
“Every man makes mistakes,” the son said, “but I did not. I lived a completely perfect life. I didn’t deserve any punishment.”
The man looked into the eyes of son, realizing the circumstances of what happened.
“Why did you do it then?” the man asked again.
“I had no other option,” the son said with tears in His eyes, “I love you far too much. The greatest of my love for you required it of me. There was nothing else I could do. If you felt the love I feel for you, then you would understand, but you can’t. Not yet. Come with me and I will take you to a place where you can experience this love.”
“I am free!!!”
“Yes, but if you don’t, then you will receive your punishment anyway.”
“I am free!!!”
“Please,” the son said, dropping to His knees, “please accept this gift I give to you.”
“I am free,” the man said and walked off.
It was then that I recognized the face of the man. It was me. It was all for me. I continued looking.
I was running; running as far away as I could. I kept looking over my shoulder to see if I was out of sight of my savior. He got very far, but was never out of sight. He was always looking at me; wanting me to come back.
It was at this point in my life where I stopped running. I realized what I was doing. My eyes filled with tears as I realized what my sin had done. I turned around and stared at Him.
I started walking back toward Him and as soon as I did, He came running to me with His arms wide open. He was there in an instance and embraced me as hard as He could. I embraced Him too and I felt a peace I never thought possible. Tears flowed from my eyes.
I realized that I was secure in His love, because now that I embraced Him, HE WOULD NEVER LET ME GO!
Sunday, July 8, 2007
The Almost
CD: Southern Weather
Artist: The Almost
Year: 2007
Music Type: Hard Rock
*Lyrics/Songwriting: 6/10
*Instruments: 8/10
*Vocals: 6/10
*Message: 7/10
*Sound: 7/10
*Overall: 6.8/10
Comments: On his first side project, Underoath member Aaron Gillespie teamed up with superproducer Aaron Sprinkle for this mixture of rock, punk, and emo sounds. "Southern Weather" ranges from hard rock numbers to delicate acoustic anthems. The member has a hard rock voice that tends to whine in the slow songs, but they have good lyrical depth. The sound is catchy and has some very good cuts such as Say it Sooner, Drive There Now!, and the title track. I like it very much. It has a distinct sound that you have to like, but I would recommend it. Here is the CCM magazine review:
After stirring up buzz and expectations with seemingly random live dates late last year, Underoath drummer and vocalist Aaron Gillespie’s solo project (he plays nearly every instrument on the disc) more than lives up to the hype. With a unique and current sound, excellent songwriting and more than impressive performances, Southern Weather has all the makings of an indie rock breakthrough. Stylistically, The Almost is much more melodic than Underoath, with nary a scream to be found. It’s far from laid-back, though. Catchy hooks, diverse instrumentation, eclectic sonic ingredients and powerful lyrics combine thoughtfully throughout. The opening (and title) track establishes itself with an aggressively strummed acoustic guitar pattern à la Violent Femmes before tearing open into a power-pop gem that would make Foo Fighters proud. “Drive There Now” keeps the energy up while delving a little more into emo/indie territory before the third track, “Dirty and Left Out,” ambles in with slow strummed acoustic guitar and electric piano. If there hasn’t been an indie rock spin on Alt Country thus far, this is it. Pedal steel, aching harmonies and a wonderful gait make this not only a standout track on the album, but maybe for the year. (The borrowing from Bill and Gloria Gaither’s classic “Something About That Name” is used to perfect effect without a hint of irony or cynicism.) The bulk of the material keeps the beat fast, the melody dominant and the guitars thick. “If Your Favour is Small I’m Perfect,” “Stop It,” “Everyone Here Smells Like A Rat,” “Never Say I Told You So” and “Call Me When I’m Honest” all drive with intensity and will find great favor with fans of Dead Poetic, the aforementioned Foo Fighters and alternative rock legends Big Star. “Everything Makes Me Sick” boasts not only one of the hottest vocal performances of the batch, but some of the coolest chord progressions and melodic motifs in modern rock. Slightly Beatlesque pump organ sounds are retro enough to provide color, without sounding too quaint. Somehow, amidst the huge rock riffs, Gillespie manages to maintain an element of transparency and candor that inspires rather than wallows. Nowhere is this more apparent than the breathtaking “Amazing Because It Is,” an adaptation of “Amazing Grace” that ranges from deeply personal confessions via solo vocal and acoustic guitar colored by a string and horn section, all the way to a power rock coda sung by a simple choir and banged home with a driving hard rock beat. Perfect production, deeply heartfelt and spiritually powerful lyrics and a dynamic modern rock presentation make Southern Weather one of the first must-own sets of 2007. JOHN J. THOMPSON-
Artist: The Almost
Year: 2007
Music Type: Hard Rock
*Lyrics/Songwriting: 6/10
*Instruments: 8/10
*Vocals: 6/10
*Message: 7/10
*Sound: 7/10
*Overall: 6.8/10
Comments: On his first side project, Underoath member Aaron Gillespie teamed up with superproducer Aaron Sprinkle for this mixture of rock, punk, and emo sounds. "Southern Weather" ranges from hard rock numbers to delicate acoustic anthems. The member has a hard rock voice that tends to whine in the slow songs, but they have good lyrical depth. The sound is catchy and has some very good cuts such as Say it Sooner, Drive There Now!, and the title track. I like it very much. It has a distinct sound that you have to like, but I would recommend it. Here is the CCM magazine review:
After stirring up buzz and expectations with seemingly random live dates late last year, Underoath drummer and vocalist Aaron Gillespie’s solo project (he plays nearly every instrument on the disc) more than lives up to the hype. With a unique and current sound, excellent songwriting and more than impressive performances, Southern Weather has all the makings of an indie rock breakthrough. Stylistically, The Almost is much more melodic than Underoath, with nary a scream to be found. It’s far from laid-back, though. Catchy hooks, diverse instrumentation, eclectic sonic ingredients and powerful lyrics combine thoughtfully throughout. The opening (and title) track establishes itself with an aggressively strummed acoustic guitar pattern à la Violent Femmes before tearing open into a power-pop gem that would make Foo Fighters proud. “Drive There Now” keeps the energy up while delving a little more into emo/indie territory before the third track, “Dirty and Left Out,” ambles in with slow strummed acoustic guitar and electric piano. If there hasn’t been an indie rock spin on Alt Country thus far, this is it. Pedal steel, aching harmonies and a wonderful gait make this not only a standout track on the album, but maybe for the year. (The borrowing from Bill and Gloria Gaither’s classic “Something About That Name” is used to perfect effect without a hint of irony or cynicism.) The bulk of the material keeps the beat fast, the melody dominant and the guitars thick. “If Your Favour is Small I’m Perfect,” “Stop It,” “Everyone Here Smells Like A Rat,” “Never Say I Told You So” and “Call Me When I’m Honest” all drive with intensity and will find great favor with fans of Dead Poetic, the aforementioned Foo Fighters and alternative rock legends Big Star. “Everything Makes Me Sick” boasts not only one of the hottest vocal performances of the batch, but some of the coolest chord progressions and melodic motifs in modern rock. Slightly Beatlesque pump organ sounds are retro enough to provide color, without sounding too quaint. Somehow, amidst the huge rock riffs, Gillespie manages to maintain an element of transparency and candor that inspires rather than wallows. Nowhere is this more apparent than the breathtaking “Amazing Because It Is,” an adaptation of “Amazing Grace” that ranges from deeply personal confessions via solo vocal and acoustic guitar colored by a string and horn section, all the way to a power rock coda sung by a simple choir and banged home with a driving hard rock beat. Perfect production, deeply heartfelt and spiritually powerful lyrics and a dynamic modern rock presentation make Southern Weather one of the first must-own sets of 2007. JOHN J. THOMPSON-
Everyday Sunday's Wake up! Wake up!
CD: Wake Up! Wake Up!
Artist: Everyday Sunday
Year: 2007
Music Type: Punk Rock
*Lyrics/Songwriting: 8/10
*Instruments: 8/10
*Vocals: 7/10
*Message: 8/10
*Sound: 10/10
*Overall: 8.2/10
Comments: A very exciting band with a new sound and inspiration. After coming out with two cds that didn't bring much success, the band took a breather and prayed about their future. After much soul-searching, they came to the resolution of making their third cut with a new label. Produced by All Star United’s Ian Eskelin (Krystal Meyers, Stellar Kart) and mixed by legendary engineer J.R. McNeely (Relient K, Underoath), the resulting Wake Up! Wake Up! is charged by high octane energy. With crisp, clean power-pop in-fluenced guitar and drum riffs, Everyday Sunday has compiled 10 highly contagious radio-friendly tunes that remain artistically sound and sonically pleasing. This invigorating project is fronted by a trio of songs—“Let’s Go Back,” the album’s title track and “Take Me Out”—that hits fast and furious. Lead singer and primary songwriter Trey Pearson displays his growth as both a vocalist and lyricist on songs like “Find Me Tonight,” a heartfelt cry for God’s intervention. Most of the songs, however, deal with relationship issues, including some fun moments such as the autobiographical “I’ll Get Over It (Miss Elaineous),” a catchy 6/8 number about getting dumped. Personal favorites include Let' Go Back, Wake up! Wake Up!, Find Me Tonight, Apathy for Apologies, and Tell Me You'll Be There. Very recommended and belongs in all christians' music libraries.
Artist: Everyday Sunday
Year: 2007
Music Type: Punk Rock
*Lyrics/Songwriting: 8/10
*Instruments: 8/10
*Vocals: 7/10
*Message: 8/10
*Sound: 10/10
*Overall: 8.2/10
Comments: A very exciting band with a new sound and inspiration. After coming out with two cds that didn't bring much success, the band took a breather and prayed about their future. After much soul-searching, they came to the resolution of making their third cut with a new label. Produced by All Star United’s Ian Eskelin (Krystal Meyers, Stellar Kart) and mixed by legendary engineer J.R. McNeely (Relient K, Underoath), the resulting Wake Up! Wake Up! is charged by high octane energy. With crisp, clean power-pop in-fluenced guitar and drum riffs, Everyday Sunday has compiled 10 highly contagious radio-friendly tunes that remain artistically sound and sonically pleasing. This invigorating project is fronted by a trio of songs—“Let’s Go Back,” the album’s title track and “Take Me Out”—that hits fast and furious. Lead singer and primary songwriter Trey Pearson displays his growth as both a vocalist and lyricist on songs like “Find Me Tonight,” a heartfelt cry for God’s intervention. Most of the songs, however, deal with relationship issues, including some fun moments such as the autobiographical “I’ll Get Over It (Miss Elaineous),” a catchy 6/8 number about getting dumped. Personal favorites include Let' Go Back, Wake up! Wake Up!, Find Me Tonight, Apathy for Apologies, and Tell Me You'll Be There. Very recommended and belongs in all christians' music libraries.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Weird and cool stuff
A shrimp's heart is in its head.
The "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick" is said to be the toughest tongue twister in the English language.
Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have over a million descendants.
Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times.
If the government has no knowledge of aliens, then why does Title 14,Section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations, implemented on July 16 1969, make it illegal for U.S. citizens to have any contact with extraterrestrials or their vehicles?
In every episode of Seinfeld there is a Superman somewhere.
A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why.
23% of all photocopier faults world-wide are caused by people sitting on them and photocopying their butts.
Most lipstick contains fish scales.
Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different.
If you sneeze too hard, you can fracture a rib. If you try to suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die. If you keep your eyes open by force, they can pop out.
In a study of 200,000 ostriches over a period of 80 years, no one reported a single case where an ostrich buried its head in the sand.
It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.
A pregnant goldfish is called a twit.
More than 50% of the people in the world have never made or received a telephone call.
Horses can't vomit.
Butterflies taste with their feet.
In 10 minutes, a hurricane releases more energy than all of the world's nuclear weapons combined.
On average, 100 people choke to death on ballpoint pens every year.
On average people fear spiders more than they do death.
Ninety percent of New York City cabbies are recently arrived immigrants.
Thirty-five percent of the people who use personal ads for dating are already married.
Elephants are the only animals that can't jump.
Only one person in two billion will live to be 116 or older.
It's possible to lead a cow upstairs...but not downstairs.
Women blink nearly twice as much as men.
It's physically impossible for you to lick your elbow.
The Main Library at Indiana University sinks over an inch every year because when it was built, engineers failed to take into account the weight of all the books that would occupy the building.
A snail can sleep for three years.
No word in the English language rhymes with "MONTH."
Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.
The electric chair was invented by a dentist.
All polar bears are left handed.In ancient Egypt, priests plucked EVERY hair from their bodies, including their eyebrows and eyelashes.
An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.
TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters only on one row of the keyboard.
"Go," is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.
If Barbie were life-size, her measurements would be 39-23-33.
She would stand seven feet, two inches tall.A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.
The cigarette lighter was invented before the match.
Americans on average eat 18 acres of pizza every day.
Almost everyone who reads this will try to lick their elbow.
The "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick" is said to be the toughest tongue twister in the English language.
Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have over a million descendants.
Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times.
If the government has no knowledge of aliens, then why does Title 14,Section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations, implemented on July 16 1969, make it illegal for U.S. citizens to have any contact with extraterrestrials or their vehicles?
In every episode of Seinfeld there is a Superman somewhere.
A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why.
23% of all photocopier faults world-wide are caused by people sitting on them and photocopying their butts.
Most lipstick contains fish scales.
Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different.
If you sneeze too hard, you can fracture a rib. If you try to suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die. If you keep your eyes open by force, they can pop out.
In a study of 200,000 ostriches over a period of 80 years, no one reported a single case where an ostrich buried its head in the sand.
It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.
A pregnant goldfish is called a twit.
More than 50% of the people in the world have never made or received a telephone call.
Horses can't vomit.
Butterflies taste with their feet.
In 10 minutes, a hurricane releases more energy than all of the world's nuclear weapons combined.
On average, 100 people choke to death on ballpoint pens every year.
On average people fear spiders more than they do death.
Ninety percent of New York City cabbies are recently arrived immigrants.
Thirty-five percent of the people who use personal ads for dating are already married.
Elephants are the only animals that can't jump.
Only one person in two billion will live to be 116 or older.
It's possible to lead a cow upstairs...but not downstairs.
Women blink nearly twice as much as men.
It's physically impossible for you to lick your elbow.
The Main Library at Indiana University sinks over an inch every year because when it was built, engineers failed to take into account the weight of all the books that would occupy the building.
A snail can sleep for three years.
No word in the English language rhymes with "MONTH."
Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.
The electric chair was invented by a dentist.
All polar bears are left handed.In ancient Egypt, priests plucked EVERY hair from their bodies, including their eyebrows and eyelashes.
An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.
TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters only on one row of the keyboard.
"Go," is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.
If Barbie were life-size, her measurements would be 39-23-33.
She would stand seven feet, two inches tall.A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.
The cigarette lighter was invented before the match.
Americans on average eat 18 acres of pizza every day.
Almost everyone who reads this will try to lick their elbow.
Monday, June 25, 2007
I surprised at how much I like the Ace Troubleshooter cd I got. It has meaningful lyrics and a great sound. The only reason I can think of for their lack of popularity is that they must not have gone on any long tours and they didn't have a famous label. However, they were very talented and no matter how much I'm glad that John Warne joined Relient K, I wish the band was stil in existence.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
I went to James' graduation party last Sunday and it was awesome to see some old friends again. Some couldn't make it, so I was sad, but it was wonderful to see all that did come. I had an awesome time; just wish I could've stayed longer cause' it looks like the majority of the fun was after I left!!!
Friday, June 15, 2007
Can we, as humans, be perfect? It's a thought to think about. The bible says that All have sinned and come short of God's glory, so we know we will never achieve this, neither will anyone in the future. However, Jesus, fully God and fully man, did it perfectly. Tempted in ever way but yet did not fall to a sinful nature like we do. He did not have Adam's curse because He was fully God, but was born of a woman's seed and maintained physical punity to be fully man. What an example. We must strive for perfection even though it is impossible. Not because we think we can do it, in fact we can not even keep from falling for one hour at a time, but because we want to please God and live for His glory because we love Him, not just for love, but because He loved us first!!! And there is no better reason because in spite our imperfection He loved us as His creations. He loved us.
Monday, June 11, 2007
The Road
By Micah Lang
It was a time that I looked down on all the unsaved lost
I felt that as a Christian I was better for the cross
I stayed away from those who sinned except when I’d reprove
I’d always stay in the same place, while tell others to move
I have to say that I was always such a hypocrite
I never spoke to men in love, not once a little bit
After all, it was I who knew the wrong from right
I puffed myself up with my pride and looked good in my sight
But it was once that I was walking down an old, dirt road
And like Paul, a bright light threw me down cause’ of a great load
I looked up in fear to the glory of my Lord and King
I thought that I’d feel glad, but I couldn’t feel a thing
His eyes were filled with tears and I didn’t know why
I asked Him ‘why’ and He just looked at me as if He’d die
He shook His head with sadness I had seen right from the start
I started to cry when He told me, “You’re breaking my heart.”
“How could you,” He said, “never know the fullness of my grace?
Can’t you see it in my eyes, my hands, my feet, my face?”
I replied that I had known this and I was faithful
How could He ever even think that I was not grateful?
He told me that if I knew His love was so very real
Then I’d treat others with that love because of how I feel
I dropped my head as tears filled my eyes consumed by my grief
I saw that what I was, was nothing but a lieing thief
I looked up to His eyes, those eyes so filled with worry
My eyes filled up with tears and I said to him, “I’m sorry.”
Within a moment, I was alone and the light was gone
I climbed up from knees for I was no more undone
I smiled to my new changed self, I knew the love of Him
I would now show the light and love that Satan could not dim
Jesus’ love inside was like a cup that holds the sea
Cause Jesus loved the least of these, yes, loved even me
I felt that as a Christian I was better for the cross
I stayed away from those who sinned except when I’d reprove
I’d always stay in the same place, while tell others to move
I have to say that I was always such a hypocrite
I never spoke to men in love, not once a little bit
After all, it was I who knew the wrong from right
I puffed myself up with my pride and looked good in my sight
But it was once that I was walking down an old, dirt road
And like Paul, a bright light threw me down cause’ of a great load
I looked up in fear to the glory of my Lord and King
I thought that I’d feel glad, but I couldn’t feel a thing
His eyes were filled with tears and I didn’t know why
I asked Him ‘why’ and He just looked at me as if He’d die
He shook His head with sadness I had seen right from the start
I started to cry when He told me, “You’re breaking my heart.”
“How could you,” He said, “never know the fullness of my grace?
Can’t you see it in my eyes, my hands, my feet, my face?”
I replied that I had known this and I was faithful
How could He ever even think that I was not grateful?
He told me that if I knew His love was so very real
Then I’d treat others with that love because of how I feel
I dropped my head as tears filled my eyes consumed by my grief
I saw that what I was, was nothing but a lieing thief
I looked up to His eyes, those eyes so filled with worry
My eyes filled up with tears and I said to him, “I’m sorry.”
Within a moment, I was alone and the light was gone
I climbed up from knees for I was no more undone
I smiled to my new changed self, I knew the love of Him
I would now show the light and love that Satan could not dim
Jesus’ love inside was like a cup that holds the sea
Cause Jesus loved the least of these, yes, loved even me
Friday, June 8, 2007
How can Ignorance be bliss? If you are ignorant of things around you, then you are not knowledgable of them, and then you decide that they aren't even real, or exist. Sometimes people claim ignorance of things they can't understand; some more important than others. Such as, if we dismiss things that have no importance then we losing nothing of importance, but if we dismiss God just because we don't understand Him and cling to ignorance, then in the end we will not experience bliss. Just the opposite, except we won't understand why. We will not know why we suffer, but it was because we chose not to. Such a fate. How can Ignorance be bliss?
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
over thinking
Most of the time, I don't even know what I was thinking of most of the time I was thinking, because I'm thinking about what I was thinking some other time, so I'm not really thinking at all, I'm just thinking about it. If you think you know what I'm talking about, then what are you thinking??? I think this is psycho-babble, what do you think?
Saturday, June 2, 2007
> 1. A bicycle can't stand alone because it is two-tired.
> 2. What's the definition of a will? (It's a dead giveaway).
> 3. Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
> 4. A backward poet writes inverse.
> 5. In democracy it's your vote that counts; in feudalism it's your count
> that votes.
> 6. She had a boyfriend with a wooden leg, but broke it off.
> 7. A chicken crossing the road is poultry in motion.
> 8. If you don't pay your exorcist you get repossessed.
> 9. With her marriage she got a new name and a dress.
> 10. Show me a piano falling down a mineshaft and I'll show you A-flat
> minor.
> 11. When a clock is hungry it goes back four seconds.
> 12. The man who fell into an upholstery machine is fully recovered.
> 13. A grenade thrown into a kitchen in France would result in Linoleum
> Blownapart.
> 14. You feel stuck with your debt if you can't budge it.
> 15. Local Area Network in Australia: the LAN down under.
> 16. He often broke into song because he couldn't find the key.
> 17. Every calendar's days are numbered.
> 18. A lot of money is tainted. 'Taint yours and 'taint mine.
> 19. A boiled egg in the morning is hard to beat.
> 20. He had a photographic memory which was never developed.
> 21. A plateau is a high form of flattery.
> 22. The dwarf fortune teller who escaped from prison was a small medium
at large.
> 23. Those who get too big for their britches will be exposed in the end.
> 24. When you've seen one shopping center you've seen a mall.
> 25. Those who jump off a Paris bridge are in Seine.
> 26. When an actress saw her first strands of gray hair she thought she'd
> dye.
> 27. Bakers trade bread recipes on a knead to know basis.
> 28. Santa's helpers are subordinate Clauses.
> 29. Acupuncture is a jab well done.
> 30. Marathon runners with bad footwear suffer the agony of defeat.
Energizer Bunny arrested -- charged with battery.
A pessimist's blood type is b-negative.
Shotgun wedding: wife or death.
I used to work in a blanket factory, but it folded.
If electricity comes from electrons... does that mean that morality
comes from morons?
A hangover is the wrath of grapes.
Corduroy pillows are making headlines.
Sea captains don't like crew cuts.
Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?
Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
A gossip is someone with a sense of rumor.
Without geometry, life is pointless.
When you dream in color, it's a pigment of your imagination.
Reading while sunbathing makes you well-red.
When two egotists meet, it's an I for an I.
Alarms: What an octopus is.
Crick:: The sound that a Japanese camera makes.
Dockyard: A physician's garden.
Khakis: What you need to start the car in Boston .
Pasteurize: Too far to see.
Toboggan: Why we go to an auction.
> 1. A bicycle can't stand alone because it is two-tired.
> 2. What's the definition of a will? (It's a dead giveaway).
> 3. Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
> 4. A backward poet writes inverse.
> 5. In democracy it's your vote that counts; in feudalism it's your count
> that votes.
> 6. She had a boyfriend with a wooden leg, but broke it off.
> 7. A chicken crossing the road is poultry in motion.
> 8. If you don't pay your exorcist you get repossessed.
> 9. With her marriage she got a new name and a dress.
> 10. Show me a piano falling down a mineshaft and I'll show you A-flat
> minor.
> 11. When a clock is hungry it goes back four seconds.
> 12. The man who fell into an upholstery machine is fully recovered.
> 13. A grenade thrown into a kitchen in France would result in Linoleum
> Blownapart.
> 14. You feel stuck with your debt if you can't budge it.
> 15. Local Area Network in Australia: the LAN down under.
> 16. He often broke into song because he couldn't find the key.
> 17. Every calendar's days are numbered.
> 18. A lot of money is tainted. 'Taint yours and 'taint mine.
> 19. A boiled egg in the morning is hard to beat.
> 20. He had a photographic memory which was never developed.
> 21. A plateau is a high form of flattery.
> 22. The dwarf fortune teller who escaped from prison was a small medium
at large.
> 23. Those who get too big for their britches will be exposed in the end.
> 24. When you've seen one shopping center you've seen a mall.
> 25. Those who jump off a Paris bridge are in Seine.
> 26. When an actress saw her first strands of gray hair she thought she'd
> dye.
> 27. Bakers trade bread recipes on a knead to know basis.
> 28. Santa's helpers are subordinate Clauses.
> 29. Acupuncture is a jab well done.
> 30. Marathon runners with bad footwear suffer the agony of defeat.
Energizer Bunny arrested -- charged with battery.
A pessimist's blood type is b-negative.
Shotgun wedding: wife or death.
I used to work in a blanket factory, but it folded.
If electricity comes from electrons... does that mean that morality
comes from morons?
A hangover is the wrath of grapes.
Corduroy pillows are making headlines.
Sea captains don't like crew cuts.
Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?
Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
A gossip is someone with a sense of rumor.
Without geometry, life is pointless.
When you dream in color, it's a pigment of your imagination.
Reading while sunbathing makes you well-red.
When two egotists meet, it's an I for an I.
Alarms: What an octopus is.
Crick:: The sound that a Japanese camera makes.
Dockyard: A physician's garden.
Khakis: What you need to start the car in Boston .
Pasteurize: Too far to see.
Toboggan: Why we go to an auction.
Friday, June 1, 2007
A geetar (my own creation)
oo - - - iiiiiiiiii - - - oo
oooo- - ooooooooo- - oooo
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Right now, I'm feeling kinda icky; it's been three weeks since I've been to youth group and am missing my friends a lot. I also have noticed that not many people are reading my blog, so I think I'm going to cut back a little and do one every couple days instead of every day. I think that some people read it like every couple weeks, so if there are too many for them to read at once then they won't get read anyway. So, anyway, God is good! Far too good for me; just thought I'd say that!!!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Our Escape
By Micah Lang
We hid in a corner, shaken with our fear
Afraid of something; that we know to be near
There is no escape, for we are all alone
Far from anyplace, we’d use to call home
We can not yet see them, the demons of the night
All that we can see, is a dim, still, light
The dim, still, light beckons, it promises life
Life better than living, on the edge of a knife
We’re afraid to accept, we know that it’s true
But we’ve too much sin, what can we now do?
All we have to do, is accept the free prize
It opens our mind, and opens our eyes
We see that the demons, were of our own making
Our sin had then caused them, but now are for taking
The darkness dims away, it cries out and leaves
All that we see are green hills and trees
The joy that now fills us makes us want to sing
We fall to our knees, and worship the king
We hid in a corner, shaken with our fear
Afraid of something; that we know to be near
There is no escape, for we are all alone
Far from anyplace, we’d use to call home
We can not yet see them, the demons of the night
All that we can see, is a dim, still, light
The dim, still, light beckons, it promises life
Life better than living, on the edge of a knife
We’re afraid to accept, we know that it’s true
But we’ve too much sin, what can we now do?
All we have to do, is accept the free prize
It opens our mind, and opens our eyes
We see that the demons, were of our own making
Our sin had then caused them, but now are for taking
The darkness dims away, it cries out and leaves
All that we see are green hills and trees
The joy that now fills us makes us want to sing
We fall to our knees, and worship the king
Friday, May 25, 2007
Measure of a Man
What is the measure of a man? A yard stick!!! Nay, his heart. May all men be men of masculinity. May they be men that are firm, but gentle and kind. Men that know when to talk and know when to be silent. Men that can be brought easily to righteous anger, but have the self-control not to act in sin upon it. That boast in the Lord not themselves. That is a leader and a servant at the same time. Men that believe that to be men is more than to have long hair, tattoos, and ear rings. Why can't there be more men like that!!!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Joke of the month:
There were once two very good friends. One liked to take care of the other one whenever something bad happened to him. The one friend that was taken care of worked at a lumber cutting industry and frequently lost limbs and other pieces of his body.
Now, once this guy cut off his hand, so his friend put the hand in a plastic bag, took him to the hospital and the doctor reatached the hand.
A second time, the guy cut of his foot, so his friend put the foot in a plastic bag, took him to the hospital and the doctor reatached the foot.
A third time, the guy cut of his own head, so his friend put the head in a plastic bag, took him to the hospital and waited in the waiting room for what the doctor had to say.
The doctor came back with the news.
"I'm sorry, but he didn't live," the doctor said.
"What," the friend said, "I did what I always do, I put it in a plastic bag, why didn't it work?"
"You idiot," the doctor said, "You can't put a dismembered head in a bag and expect the guy to live!"
"Why not?"
"He suffocated!!!"
There were once two very good friends. One liked to take care of the other one whenever something bad happened to him. The one friend that was taken care of worked at a lumber cutting industry and frequently lost limbs and other pieces of his body.
Now, once this guy cut off his hand, so his friend put the hand in a plastic bag, took him to the hospital and the doctor reatached the hand.
A second time, the guy cut of his foot, so his friend put the foot in a plastic bag, took him to the hospital and the doctor reatached the foot.
A third time, the guy cut of his own head, so his friend put the head in a plastic bag, took him to the hospital and waited in the waiting room for what the doctor had to say.
The doctor came back with the news.
"I'm sorry, but he didn't live," the doctor said.
"What," the friend said, "I did what I always do, I put it in a plastic bag, why didn't it work?"
"You idiot," the doctor said, "You can't put a dismembered head in a bag and expect the guy to live!"
"Why not?"
"He suffocated!!!"
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Snow and Money
Think; Eskimos in Alaska have like twenty words for snow right? Now, why do you think that is? Probably because they have so much of it, right? Well, then think of how many words Americans have for money? Cash, bucks, moola, greenbacks, dollars, money, denarii, bills, dough, the list just goes on and on. Makes you think huh?
Monday, May 21, 2007
One a Day
An Apple a day keeps the doctor away, just make sure you have it on hand to throw at the doctor.
A hug a day keeps the psychiatrist away.
A coffee a day keeps the dreariness away.
A cigarette a day keeps your health far, far, far away.
An onion a day keeps everyone away.
A dollar a day keeps the bully away.
A laugh a day keeps the heart trouble away(scientifically proven).
A prayer a day keeps the devil at bay.
A hug a day keeps the psychiatrist away.
A coffee a day keeps the dreariness away.
A cigarette a day keeps your health far, far, far away.
An onion a day keeps everyone away.
A dollar a day keeps the bully away.
A laugh a day keeps the heart trouble away(scientifically proven).
A prayer a day keeps the devil at bay.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Friday, May 18, 2007
Sadness: The act of being affected with or expressive of grief or unhappiness; caused or associated with Grief; DEPRESSED, DISMAYED!
When times life seems to quiet down into paralyzing silence like a darkened room you are enclosed in; that is when it is the hardest to keep faith. We can have hope when everything is good and right and everything goes your way; when you are HAPPY all the time. But what about those times when everything you want is taken away; ripped away; TORN AWAY! What can I do then? You have everything you need except the things the want soooo much that you feel like you need them. Why does this always seem to happen? Why can't I, just once, have the things I need AND the things I want? Life is hard! That is true. If it wasn't, then it wouldn't be worth living. But why does it have to be sooo hard? I am left alone from everything that I want, everything I yearn for, except . . . . God. God is all I need, but why does He take away everything else? Can I live without anything this world has to offer? Is God enough? Oh, YES!!! He is enough. I have gotten to the place where I know it is not destined for me to have what I want in this world, and I have accepted it. It is just soooo hard. I have nothing left to cling to, nothing except God; the one who took everything away from me, but the one who also gives me everything. My own selfish desires! Why do I have them??? Why would I expect comfort here on earth, when I will experience so much comfort in the next life. Depression is still there, but I have accepted it. I cry as I cry out to God for help. That is all I can do when everything is TORN away from me.
"God help me please!!! I am so sad!!!"
When times life seems to quiet down into paralyzing silence like a darkened room you are enclosed in; that is when it is the hardest to keep faith. We can have hope when everything is good and right and everything goes your way; when you are HAPPY all the time. But what about those times when everything you want is taken away; ripped away; TORN AWAY! What can I do then? You have everything you need except the things the want soooo much that you feel like you need them. Why does this always seem to happen? Why can't I, just once, have the things I need AND the things I want? Life is hard! That is true. If it wasn't, then it wouldn't be worth living. But why does it have to be sooo hard? I am left alone from everything that I want, everything I yearn for, except . . . . God. God is all I need, but why does He take away everything else? Can I live without anything this world has to offer? Is God enough? Oh, YES!!! He is enough. I have gotten to the place where I know it is not destined for me to have what I want in this world, and I have accepted it. It is just soooo hard. I have nothing left to cling to, nothing except God; the one who took everything away from me, but the one who also gives me everything. My own selfish desires! Why do I have them??? Why would I expect comfort here on earth, when I will experience so much comfort in the next life. Depression is still there, but I have accepted it. I cry as I cry out to God for help. That is all I can do when everything is TORN away from me.
"God help me please!!! I am so sad!!!"
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Droplets of water that fall to the ground
Water that hits the earth without a sound
Showers of blessing that water the earth
Watching it fall while in front of the hearth
Pleasant sounds hitting the roof in the night
Lulling to sleep at the dimming of light
To feel the muck of your dirty black sin
Seem to wash away when the rain hits your skin
To gaze up to the sky as rain hits your face
To smile and to feel the rain’s moistened embrace
You do not yet care that your clothes are not dry
You simply want to feel the skies when they cry
Oh, what a seemingly endless supply
That God seems to pour from His endless blue sky
Cymbals that sound as if touched by a kiss
Tiny blue bells that ring out through the mist
Life that now pours out straight down from above
Tokens that flow out from God’s cup of love
Nothing can explain the feeling of grace
As rain comes down softly like wet streams of lace
We now must accept it, this heavenly sign
A sign of God’s blessing and love so divine
We look to sky and do nothing but stare
We stretch out our hands and do not seem to care
That all of the sin in the world can not give
Salvation that people wish to have to live
My world is now changed as I smile in the rain
Knowing that Jesus took away my pain
I close my eyes cause I can now clearly see
That it was God’s love that set my soul free
Water that hits the earth without a sound
Showers of blessing that water the earth
Watching it fall while in front of the hearth
Pleasant sounds hitting the roof in the night
Lulling to sleep at the dimming of light
To feel the muck of your dirty black sin
Seem to wash away when the rain hits your skin
To gaze up to the sky as rain hits your face
To smile and to feel the rain’s moistened embrace
You do not yet care that your clothes are not dry
You simply want to feel the skies when they cry
Oh, what a seemingly endless supply
That God seems to pour from His endless blue sky
Cymbals that sound as if touched by a kiss
Tiny blue bells that ring out through the mist
Life that now pours out straight down from above
Tokens that flow out from God’s cup of love
Nothing can explain the feeling of grace
As rain comes down softly like wet streams of lace
We now must accept it, this heavenly sign
A sign of God’s blessing and love so divine
We look to sky and do nothing but stare
We stretch out our hands and do not seem to care
That all of the sin in the world can not give
Salvation that people wish to have to live
My world is now changed as I smile in the rain
Knowing that Jesus took away my pain
I close my eyes cause I can now clearly see
That it was God’s love that set my soul free
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
It is so amazing how amazing God is in the little things. A really funny thing happened the other day. Ok, so I always practice guitar with my acoustic guitar at home and NEVER use my electric except at church, just because it's too much trouble to set it up. Well, I had a sudden urge to use it on Sunday. Funny huh? Well, want to know the funniest, my string broke!!! And not only that, but it is the same string that broke a month ago, so I have two extra sets of strings for every string except for the one that just broke, so I had no replacement. This is providential because if I hadn't've had the urge to play my electric on Sunday, then it would have broken on Thursday and I couldn't have played then.
It gets even better. My dad always works Monday through Friday and is gone from 9 in the morning till 8 at night, so I wouldn't have had any opportunity to go to Leomonster and buy myself new strings until Saturday!!! However, by providence, my dad didn't have to work on Monday, because, for the first time in months, he worked the night before, so I was able to buy myself new strings!!! Amazing, huh???
It gets even better. My dad always works Monday through Friday and is gone from 9 in the morning till 8 at night, so I wouldn't have had any opportunity to go to Leomonster and buy myself new strings until Saturday!!! However, by providence, my dad didn't have to work on Monday, because, for the first time in months, he worked the night before, so I was able to buy myself new strings!!! Amazing, huh???
Monday, May 14, 2007
Relient K's Five Score and Seven Years Ago
CD: Five Score and Seven Years Ago
Artist: Relient K
Year: 2007
Music Type: Punk/ Pop
*Lyrics/Songwriting: 9/10
*Instruments: 8/10
*Vocals: 9/10
*Message: 9/10
*Sound: 10/10
*Overall: 9/10
Comments: Once again, Relient K has come out with an extraordinary album. Now with two new members, the band has come out with a whole new sound as they come out with their first full cd in 3 years. The cd blends the clever wit of Matt. Thiessen with the dynamic guitars, drums, and piano as it tells a clear christian message that discusses God's willingness to save and how sinful this world is. The hits include Forgiven, Must Have Done Something Right, I Need You, Devestation and Reform, and Bite My Tongue. Along with these, the band has kept its remarkable humor with Crayons Can Melt on us for All I Care and Plead the Fifth. Also, Deathbed is a slow song that tells the story of a man fallen into sin, but coming back to Jesus. The song takes 13 minutes to complete, but has some of the more meaningful lyrics of Relient K so far. It also has Jon Foreman sing as the voice of God at the end which blends a special touch. One of the best cds of the year. Highly recommended.
Artist: Relient K
Year: 2007
Music Type: Punk/ Pop
*Lyrics/Songwriting: 9/10
*Instruments: 8/10
*Vocals: 9/10
*Message: 9/10
*Sound: 10/10
*Overall: 9/10
Comments: Once again, Relient K has come out with an extraordinary album. Now with two new members, the band has come out with a whole new sound as they come out with their first full cd in 3 years. The cd blends the clever wit of Matt. Thiessen with the dynamic guitars, drums, and piano as it tells a clear christian message that discusses God's willingness to save and how sinful this world is. The hits include Forgiven, Must Have Done Something Right, I Need You, Devestation and Reform, and Bite My Tongue. Along with these, the band has kept its remarkable humor with Crayons Can Melt on us for All I Care and Plead the Fifth. Also, Deathbed is a slow song that tells the story of a man fallen into sin, but coming back to Jesus. The song takes 13 minutes to complete, but has some of the more meaningful lyrics of Relient K so far. It also has Jon Foreman sing as the voice of God at the end which blends a special touch. One of the best cds of the year. Highly recommended.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Sometimes I do wonder why life isn’t fair
Why I am ignored, why no one can care
I purpose myself as the most deserving
I do my good part, I’m always still serving
But no one seems to care for my life
The hardship, the struggles, and all of the strife
I can’t think it true for God to exist
If He loves me, why not then try to persist
He should love me more than anyone could
But do I deserve it, I think I should
But why do I need it, what have I done?
Why do I deserve His glorious son?
I read how He came and died for my sin
But could He then change my heart from within
But what have I done, I think I’m good
But have I been doing all that I could?
In truth I am nothing, apart from His grace
I’m afraid to look upon His sweet face
Why did you do this? All this for me
What I have done, I can not see
This makes my soul, fill up with fear
But you’re sweet voice is all I can hear
Before, I asked why life wasn’t fair
Why justice never carried me on the air
Well, I’m glad it’s not so, if so I’d be doomed
I’d be in hell’s fire and then be consumed
I now throw away all of my why’s
I spread out my hands, with tears in my eyes
The only ‘why’ left, is ‘Why God, me?’
He opened my eyes, so that I could see
I look out upon the glowing night sky
I look to the stars and wonder, wonder why?
Why I am ignored, why no one can care
I purpose myself as the most deserving
I do my good part, I’m always still serving
But no one seems to care for my life
The hardship, the struggles, and all of the strife
I can’t think it true for God to exist
If He loves me, why not then try to persist
He should love me more than anyone could
But do I deserve it, I think I should
But why do I need it, what have I done?
Why do I deserve His glorious son?
I read how He came and died for my sin
But could He then change my heart from within
But what have I done, I think I’m good
But have I been doing all that I could?
In truth I am nothing, apart from His grace
I’m afraid to look upon His sweet face
Why did you do this? All this for me
What I have done, I can not see
This makes my soul, fill up with fear
But you’re sweet voice is all I can hear
Before, I asked why life wasn’t fair
Why justice never carried me on the air
Well, I’m glad it’s not so, if so I’d be doomed
I’d be in hell’s fire and then be consumed
I now throw away all of my why’s
I spread out my hands, with tears in my eyes
The only ‘why’ left, is ‘Why God, me?’
He opened my eyes, so that I could see
I look out upon the glowing night sky
I look to the stars and wonder, wonder why?
Thursday, May 10, 2007
The Crucifixion
A drop of blood, a single tear, the anguish, and the pain
The scorn of all, a silent king, one which could not yet reign
Now as He hung, this silent king, upon that crucifix
All could see, that just this once, our sin and God could mix
He took it all, our horrid sin, and claimed it for His own
We didn’t understand at all what only God has known
So as He hung, He thought back to that time so long ago
That day that He had come to life, that Christmas without snow
He then thought of when the wise men came, all gathered in a three
With gold, frankincense, and the myrrh which was His destiny
The myrrh represented His death, and oh, how this was true
But no one knew that He was God, this carpenter and Jew
His life was lived, for God’s glory, and all that could see light
All that took the better way, away from sin’s cruel bite
He chose the twelve to be His own and spread the news of hope
To help those who believe that by themselves can live and cope
But the time had finally come and He was to die
He knew this, but He did not even try to ask God why
He did it out of love, because it was the only way
As blood dripped off His forehead, He knelt on the ground and prayed
The soldiers came for Him and the disciples didn’t stay
They ran and hid, except for Peter, followed all the way
Oh poor Peter, so confused that he denied his friend
A friendship now was cracked which Peter said could never bend
Jesus was now forsaken by all that He held dear
But He would not forsake them back; He showed no dread or fear
Now that it was done and Jesus hung upon that cross
A description so hard that our words are at a loss
Oh, the wonder and the beauty of His very name
And the love that was so great, it overcame the pain
As He said that it was done, His heart did tear in two
He breathed a sigh for He had done all that He had to do
He shed a tear for all those who would reject His great love
He slumped His head, and returned back to His Father above
Now the soldiers pierced His side with a long and sharp spear
The blood that came out from His side had water oh, so clear
It breaks my heart to know that He had to die for my sin
That without His death that day, He could not enter in
So I will wait until He comes, or till He calls me home
For I now have a joy and peace that I have never known
The scorn of all, a silent king, one which could not yet reign
Now as He hung, this silent king, upon that crucifix
All could see, that just this once, our sin and God could mix
He took it all, our horrid sin, and claimed it for His own
We didn’t understand at all what only God has known
So as He hung, He thought back to that time so long ago
That day that He had come to life, that Christmas without snow
He then thought of when the wise men came, all gathered in a three
With gold, frankincense, and the myrrh which was His destiny
The myrrh represented His death, and oh, how this was true
But no one knew that He was God, this carpenter and Jew
His life was lived, for God’s glory, and all that could see light
All that took the better way, away from sin’s cruel bite
He chose the twelve to be His own and spread the news of hope
To help those who believe that by themselves can live and cope
But the time had finally come and He was to die
He knew this, but He did not even try to ask God why
He did it out of love, because it was the only way
As blood dripped off His forehead, He knelt on the ground and prayed
The soldiers came for Him and the disciples didn’t stay
They ran and hid, except for Peter, followed all the way
Oh poor Peter, so confused that he denied his friend
A friendship now was cracked which Peter said could never bend
Jesus was now forsaken by all that He held dear
But He would not forsake them back; He showed no dread or fear
Now that it was done and Jesus hung upon that cross
A description so hard that our words are at a loss
Oh, the wonder and the beauty of His very name
And the love that was so great, it overcame the pain
As He said that it was done, His heart did tear in two
He breathed a sigh for He had done all that He had to do
He shed a tear for all those who would reject His great love
He slumped His head, and returned back to His Father above
Now the soldiers pierced His side with a long and sharp spear
The blood that came out from His side had water oh, so clear
It breaks my heart to know that He had to die for my sin
That without His death that day, He could not enter in
So I will wait until He comes, or till He calls me home
For I now have a joy and peace that I have never known
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Only in America drugstores make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front.
Only in America people order double cheeseburgers, large fries, and a diet coke. !
Only in America banks leave both doors open and then chain the pens to the counters. Only in America we leave cars worth thousands of dollars in the driveway and put our useless junk in the garage.
Only in America we buy hot dogs in packages of ten and buns in packages of eight.
Only in America we use the word 'politics' to describe the process so well: 'Poli' in Latin meaning 'many' and 'tics' meaning 'bloodsucking creatures'.
Only in America they have drive-up ATM machines with Braille lettering.
Why the sun lightens our hair, but darkens our skin ?
Why women can't put on mascara with their mouth closed?
Why don't you ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"?
Why is "abbreviated" such a long word?
Why is it that doctors call what they do "practice"?
Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons? Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker?
Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour ?
Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?
Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes?
Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections?
You know that indestructible black box that is used on airplanes? Why don't they make the whole plane out of that stuff?!
Why don't sheep shrink when it rains?
Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together?
If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?
If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal?
Only in America drugstores make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front.
Only in America people order double cheeseburgers, large fries, and a diet coke. !
Only in America banks leave both doors open and then chain the pens to the counters. Only in America we leave cars worth thousands of dollars in the driveway and put our useless junk in the garage.
Only in America we buy hot dogs in packages of ten and buns in packages of eight.
Only in America we use the word 'politics' to describe the process so well: 'Poli' in Latin meaning 'many' and 'tics' meaning 'bloodsucking creatures'.
Only in America they have drive-up ATM machines with Braille lettering.
Why the sun lightens our hair, but darkens our skin ?
Why women can't put on mascara with their mouth closed?
Why don't you ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"?
Why is "abbreviated" such a long word?
Why is it that doctors call what they do "practice"?
Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons? Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker?
Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour ?
Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?
Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes?
Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections?
You know that indestructible black box that is used on airplanes? Why don't they make the whole plane out of that stuff?!
Why don't sheep shrink when it rains?
Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together?
If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?
If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal?
Monday, May 7, 2007
Building 429's Iris to Iris
CD: Iris to Iris
Artist: Building 429
Year: 2007
Music Type: Religious
*Lyrics/Songwriting: 8/10
*Instruments: 8/10
*Vocals: 9/10
*Message: 10/10
*Sound: 8/10
*Overall: 8.6/10
Comments: A complete surprise to me! Thinking that it wasn't going to be good, but it was incredible. At least to me. Not quite as good as their first one(Space in Between Us), but it's hard to do that good. Better than Rise in my opinion. They have matured into a new sound altogether, playing with some minors and cool sounding guitar progressions. The hits include You Carried Me, Majesty, Singing Over Me, and Power of Your Name. Also, I really like the slow song Track 7 Waiting to Shine, which has the some of the most moving lyrics I have ever heard. Thumbs way uuuppp!!!
Sample of music lyrics: Loneliness banished; liberation rings; by the power of Your name; Be Glorified; beyond what mortal souls could dream; shine down; over your children; given me; GRACE; I am ASTOUNDED; Mercy covers all; I believe; You are calling me, singing over me; Staring at the sky; IRIS TO IRIS; diamonds reflecting; the Savior; has come cown; Long to shine; I won't question; in the DARK; Through the Storm; standing amazed; it's so beautiful; heaven and earth proclaim; glorious love is ALIVE, PERFECT, and UNCHANGING; I see clearly; the sky is MINE; so beautiful; Change; my history; reaching is stretching my doubts; I'm with you Beautiful is love revealed; you are constant; stunning is your GLory; I stand in wonder; I fix my eyes on You; in awe . . . I come; You are greater than all my sin!
Compilation and lyrics by: Jason Roy(lead singer, guitarist of Building 429)
Artist: Building 429
Year: 2007
Music Type: Religious
*Lyrics/Songwriting: 8/10
*Instruments: 8/10
*Vocals: 9/10
*Message: 10/10
*Sound: 8/10
*Overall: 8.6/10
Comments: A complete surprise to me! Thinking that it wasn't going to be good, but it was incredible. At least to me. Not quite as good as their first one(Space in Between Us), but it's hard to do that good. Better than Rise in my opinion. They have matured into a new sound altogether, playing with some minors and cool sounding guitar progressions. The hits include You Carried Me, Majesty, Singing Over Me, and Power of Your Name. Also, I really like the slow song Track 7 Waiting to Shine, which has the some of the most moving lyrics I have ever heard. Thumbs way uuuppp!!!
Sample of music lyrics: Loneliness banished; liberation rings; by the power of Your name; Be Glorified; beyond what mortal souls could dream; shine down; over your children; given me; GRACE; I am ASTOUNDED; Mercy covers all; I believe; You are calling me, singing over me; Staring at the sky; IRIS TO IRIS; diamonds reflecting; the Savior; has come cown; Long to shine; I won't question; in the DARK; Through the Storm; standing amazed; it's so beautiful; heaven and earth proclaim; glorious love is ALIVE, PERFECT, and UNCHANGING; I see clearly; the sky is MINE; so beautiful; Change; my history; reaching is stretching my doubts; I'm with you Beautiful is love revealed; you are constant; stunning is your GLory; I stand in wonder; I fix my eyes on You; in awe . . . I come; You are greater than all my sin!
Compilation and lyrics by: Jason Roy(lead singer, guitarist of Building 429)
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Sometimes . . .
Sometimes we can't see God. We are in a low spiritual point and going through things that cause us to wonder. We think that God is too far away to be seen. Oh, we are so wrong. It's just that God is so big that, like a large painting, if he is right next to us, he is too near to be seen. We only see what is right in front of us which is only a part of His plan, His majesty we can't see the big picture, but we can't back away to see it more clearly like a painting, because he is still too big. All we can do is trust and have faith in what we do see, so that we can enjoy it all the more when we go to live with Him in heaven and we can see Him for what he really is. I don't always like this fact that I have to wait. I don't like all the trouble and struggles and pain and temptations I go through, but God is just.
I know God won't give me more than I can handle, I just wish He didn't trust me so much.
I know God won't give me more than I can handle, I just wish He didn't trust me so much.
Saturday, May 5, 2007
A Dead Faith
A dream
A nightmare
A vision
A picture of the modern church
The sin
The anguish
The pain
The lost
The lost in America
As I stepped in the church of God in America all was well
I saw all the decorations and pleasing view
There was music playing in the background run by a record
The music was Amazing Grace
I sang silently in my soul as I carried my Bible
I am a foreigner
An alien to this world
I am one of God’s children; it is my purpose
I looked out toward the open doors heading to the auditorium
The minister was preaching out something
I couldn’t quite hear it well
It was a beautiful voice
I walked in slowly
A smile on my face
I looked to the pews in front of me
I saw the backs of everyone there
Every seat was taken
“This is a fruitful church!” I thought
I walked forward more
Everything was so quiet
So solemn
I thought they all must be in a solemn prayer
Their faith must be so strong
I looked up at the minister
A very good looking man
A very beautiful voice
I kept walking forward, drawn by the voice of the minister
Suddenly, my smile vanished as I saw him closer
Something about him
Something in his eyes
Something in his manner
Something in his voice that seemed too good
It dawned on me as I looked at him through different eyes
I saw him for what he really was and it almost terrified me
It was the devil himself
He was the minister of the church
I grew very nervous, but I knew that God was with me
The minister smiled at me and I glared
I wondered why the people in the church didn’t see through him
Why they let the devil preach to them
Wasn’t their faith strong?
They were all praying fervently
I turned around and looked at the people
I cried out to them to see through the disguise
But they couldn’t hear me
They showed no response
I looked at them closely and realized what was wrong
It terrified me
Their eyes were dead!
They were not even alive!
Suddenly, I woke up and gasped for breath
“It was just a dream,” I said, relieved
But it wasn’t
It wasn’t a dream
It was a true representation of the American Church
A Dead Faith!
A nightmare
A vision
A picture of the modern church
The sin
The anguish
The pain
The lost
The lost in America
As I stepped in the church of God in America all was well
I saw all the decorations and pleasing view
There was music playing in the background run by a record
The music was Amazing Grace
I sang silently in my soul as I carried my Bible
I am a foreigner
An alien to this world
I am one of God’s children; it is my purpose
I looked out toward the open doors heading to the auditorium
The minister was preaching out something
I couldn’t quite hear it well
It was a beautiful voice
I walked in slowly
A smile on my face
I looked to the pews in front of me
I saw the backs of everyone there
Every seat was taken
“This is a fruitful church!” I thought
I walked forward more
Everything was so quiet
So solemn
I thought they all must be in a solemn prayer
Their faith must be so strong
I looked up at the minister
A very good looking man
A very beautiful voice
I kept walking forward, drawn by the voice of the minister
Suddenly, my smile vanished as I saw him closer
Something about him
Something in his eyes
Something in his manner
Something in his voice that seemed too good
It dawned on me as I looked at him through different eyes
I saw him for what he really was and it almost terrified me
It was the devil himself
He was the minister of the church
I grew very nervous, but I knew that God was with me
The minister smiled at me and I glared
I wondered why the people in the church didn’t see through him
Why they let the devil preach to them
Wasn’t their faith strong?
They were all praying fervently
I turned around and looked at the people
I cried out to them to see through the disguise
But they couldn’t hear me
They showed no response
I looked at them closely and realized what was wrong
It terrified me
Their eyes were dead!
They were not even alive!
Suddenly, I woke up and gasped for breath
“It was just a dream,” I said, relieved
But it wasn’t
It wasn’t a dream
It was a true representation of the American Church
A Dead Faith!
Sanctus Real's Face of Love
CD: Face of Love
Artist: Sanctus Real
Year: 2006
Music Type: Rock
*Lyrics/Songwriting: 9/10
*Instruments: 7/10
*Vocals: 9/10
*Message: 10/10
*Overall: 8.75/10
Comments: Very moving and spiritual album. Highly recommended! The singer has an exceptionally moving voice and a wide range that adds to the unique song-writing and musical style. Hit songs such as I'm Not Alright, Eloquent, Face of Love, and Thank You blend to a very well-written album that expresses complete neccesity on God's love while other songs such as We're Trying and Where We Belong talk about the touchy subjects of how sinful man really is and how God wants us to live. A very good cd and a very talented band.
Artist: Sanctus Real
Year: 2006
Music Type: Rock
*Lyrics/Songwriting: 9/10
*Instruments: 7/10
*Vocals: 9/10
*Message: 10/10
*Overall: 8.75/10
Comments: Very moving and spiritual album. Highly recommended! The singer has an exceptionally moving voice and a wide range that adds to the unique song-writing and musical style. Hit songs such as I'm Not Alright, Eloquent, Face of Love, and Thank You blend to a very well-written album that expresses complete neccesity on God's love while other songs such as We're Trying and Where We Belong talk about the touchy subjects of how sinful man really is and how God wants us to live. A very good cd and a very talented band.
Friday, May 4, 2007
Flyleaf's Flyleaf
CD: Flyleaf
Artist: Flyleaf
Year: 2006
Music Type: Hard Rock
*Lyrics/Songwriting: 9/10
*Instruments: 8/10
*Vocals: 8/10
*Message: 7/10
*Overall: 8/10
Comments: Very talented new group. Releasing some very good hits off of their debut album such as I'm So Sick, Fully Alive, Sorrow, and All Around Me that have catchy lyrics and a good beat. The female lead singer has a very profound and drawing voice that shows much emotion even in the rare times that she goes scream-o. Heavy guitars, bass, and drums define the instruments and show the talent that they each have. The album shows a dreary outlook on life, but in some songs point it to God while touching on some unpopular topics such as the track 'Cassie'. Not my style, but I would recommend this cd highly. Very good!
Artist: Flyleaf
Year: 2006
Music Type: Hard Rock
*Lyrics/Songwriting: 9/10
*Instruments: 8/10
*Vocals: 8/10
*Message: 7/10
*Overall: 8/10
Comments: Very talented new group. Releasing some very good hits off of their debut album such as I'm So Sick, Fully Alive, Sorrow, and All Around Me that have catchy lyrics and a good beat. The female lead singer has a very profound and drawing voice that shows much emotion even in the rare times that she goes scream-o. Heavy guitars, bass, and drums define the instruments and show the talent that they each have. The album shows a dreary outlook on life, but in some songs point it to God while touching on some unpopular topics such as the track 'Cassie'. Not my style, but I would recommend this cd highly. Very good!
What Have We Become?
Sometimes life just seems so scary to me. Not that I'm scared of it at all!!! I have a real hope in Jesus. But I get scared thinking of how scared people who don't know christ would feel if they knew the truth. If you think about it, anyone who doesn't accept Jesus as their Savior either don't know Him, or don't care. You can't know Him and not see the Truth!!! How can people see how christians act and not see that there's something different. Why aren't we, as christians, being more of a testimony? Our addiction, our peace and joy, is real, free, and fun!!! Why are we ashamed of it; afraid of what people think? I would like to believe that if my life was threatened for my faith, I would stick with Jesus, you may feel the same. Then why do we just let our pride come in the way when we are given the opportunity to share with others the Love that this world can't give and can't take away? I hate when I hear about people who say that people can lose their salvation! They can't!!! If they experienced God's love, then no matter what happened to them, they would not reject it. I believe christians can backslide, but they don't lose their salvation. If they are, so called, losing their salvation, it is because they never had it to begin with. Do YOU have it? Then WAKE UP! What on EARTH are you doing for HEAVEN'S sake???!!!
By Micah Lang
Melodious whispers penetrate my thoughts of confusion and fear.
As I walk on this beach, I feel them pass me, these ghosts of the seaside.
I feel alone, so alone as twilight breaches the horizon, but I know that they are near.
My mind races as the eeriness of the dim light fills my head with terror.
I race up the lonely, bare hill to the tall structure, this coliseum.
I enter the arena and the lights flood my sight even though they are dim.
They are others here in the dim light; horrific and gruesome imitations of past memories
Things representing parts of my past existence.
I can leave at any time, but I am drawn to the middle of the arena.
Eyes look out at me.
Eyes of a neon predator in the dim light.
A calm terror creeps on me, but I can not force myself to leave.
I must see more.
Illusions of a world not my own come before my vision.
The light is blinding even though it is so dim.
I can not take it.
I walk out and turn off the lights.
There is no double meaning
No symbolism.
I merely and literally turned off the lights
This was my first mistake
Because things come at you in the dark.
As I walk on this beach, I feel them pass me, these ghosts of the seaside.
I feel alone, so alone as twilight breaches the horizon, but I know that they are near.
My mind races as the eeriness of the dim light fills my head with terror.
I race up the lonely, bare hill to the tall structure, this coliseum.
I enter the arena and the lights flood my sight even though they are dim.
They are others here in the dim light; horrific and gruesome imitations of past memories
Things representing parts of my past existence.
I can leave at any time, but I am drawn to the middle of the arena.
Eyes look out at me.
Eyes of a neon predator in the dim light.
A calm terror creeps on me, but I can not force myself to leave.
I must see more.
Illusions of a world not my own come before my vision.
The light is blinding even though it is so dim.
I can not take it.
I walk out and turn off the lights.
There is no double meaning
No symbolism.
I merely and literally turned off the lights
This was my first mistake
Because things come at you in the dark.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
First Blog
Ok, so this is my first blog!!! Cool huh? Hoping to get into this. After exploring the possibilites of this sensory internet blog site, I will come to terms with what my desire to post on here is. Maybe spiritual stuff, maybe funny, or whatever I feel like. But, this is my first blog. God bless!
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