Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Joke of the month:

There were once two very good friends. One liked to take care of the other one whenever something bad happened to him. The one friend that was taken care of worked at a lumber cutting industry and frequently lost limbs and other pieces of his body.
Now, once this guy cut off his hand, so his friend put the hand in a plastic bag, took him to the hospital and the doctor reatached the hand.
A second time, the guy cut of his foot, so his friend put the foot in a plastic bag, took him to the hospital and the doctor reatached the foot.
A third time, the guy cut of his own head, so his friend put the head in a plastic bag, took him to the hospital and waited in the waiting room for what the doctor had to say.
The doctor came back with the news.
"I'm sorry, but he didn't live," the doctor said.
"What," the friend said, "I did what I always do, I put it in a plastic bag, why didn't it work?"
"You idiot," the doctor said, "You can't put a dismembered head in a bag and expect the guy to live!"
"Why not?"
"He suffocated!!!"