Monday, March 31, 2008
Robbie Seay and Toilet Paper
Ok, just some brief up-to-date news. I have gotten the new Robbie Seay Band album "Give Yourself Away" and love it incredibly. I have Evan to thank for that. I'll get most albums he recommends and I would recommend him to any christian who wants to know some good bands and albums to get. Thanks Evan! Anyway, I'm also happy to announce that I am almost completely done with my Missions Trip to Nicaragua shopping. The only things left I really need to get are toilet paper(one roll) and a fannypack. Yeah, I know a fannypack may seem silly, but I didn't get one last year when I went and the stuff I was carrying around weighed heavily on my pockets. So I hope to get one soon. Anyway, I've been getting more into my blog lately. God has just opened up new things for me and I would recommend some of my recent posts to anyone reading including Thy Word and An Easter Speculation. Ok, I'm done.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
New Misheard Lyrics Project
Due to unparalleled success with the last two misheard lyrics, I am now announcing that I am starting on my next. The song: Building 429's Glory Defined
Friday, March 28, 2008
Life can be so confusing at times. It seems that with all the new technology and ways of communication, with all the fancy devices and all the electronic hype, so much meaning is lost in things. Even in more personal ways of communication, misunderstanding always creeps in and seems to mess everything up. I'm glad though, that I am friends with people that try to resolve things instead of just presuming. I am so bad at saying things and sometimes I feel so stupid and embarrassed it drives me crazy. I stayed up hours last night lying in bed, staring at the ceiling thinking of how I did something wrong and I felt so stupid. So many things don't happen the way you want them to. If only we were more like Jesus and his perfection, then we could say what we wanted to without fear of misunderstanding or confusion. All things happen according to his will though and for this we must all be accountable. I feel like a dog on a leash, the leash representing my salvation, and Jesus my owner. We are walking along a cliff and unknowingly, I pull on the leash in one way, but Jesus quickly pulls on the leash and stops me because he knows what is best. Sometimes it hurts . . . so much, but we know it's for our good. I also feel like I was holding something beautiful with someone and accidentally dropped it in the mud and even though this other person wants to pick it back up, that dirt will always be there and the thought crushes me. More and more I wish I knew exactly what God's will for my life was, what the future holds, cause' whenever I presume something, it seems to shockingly be torn from my view. This has happened all throughout my lifetime and I'm glad because when I go one way and I find out it's the wrong way, it makes me run back and cling to Jesus all the more. I so wish others I knew could know Jesus the way I do. I been through so much with Him and I know the best is yet to come, I know He understands my heart even when others don't. I am so glad I can expect much from God because He is always up to the task. God knows, I need so much grace and in the midst of all the confusion of today, He understands.
He understands.
He understands.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
A random spontaneous poem written right now
Sometimes I wait, wait for things to change
But they never do
Somethings shouldn't change
I'm glad God never changes, even though I wish he would do things my way . . . sometimes
But then as times goes by, I realize that trading my ways for his, it was always the best way
It's those times, those times that happen more than they should, when I choose my way and not His,
Not His
Oh, how I regret it
But it is in those still times
When I'm alone
All alone
In that stillness
In His presence
In this special place
I see His face
I feel His grace
And all that sin I so foolishly did
It's all erased
And I am clean
There, in His presence
Alone, with my Savior
Just waiting
I am content
And I feel peace
But they never do
Somethings shouldn't change
I'm glad God never changes, even though I wish he would do things my way . . . sometimes
But then as times goes by, I realize that trading my ways for his, it was always the best way
It's those times, those times that happen more than they should, when I choose my way and not His,
Not His
Oh, how I regret it
But it is in those still times
When I'm alone
All alone
In that stillness
In His presence
In this special place
I see His face
I feel His grace
And all that sin I so foolishly did
It's all erased
And I am clean
There, in His presence
Alone, with my Savior
Just waiting
I am content
And I feel peace
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Chapter 1 of a New Novel Idea
“Who are the subjects?”
The addressed psychologist turned around sharply lowering his clipboard.
“Oh, hello Mrs. Johansen, I’m glad you’re here.”
“Hello Dr. Gray,” Mrs. Johansen said taking the clipboard from him.
She studied the page in front her for a while. The doctor waited for a while, turned to look at her page, then looked back at her.
“We have six teens altogether,” he said.
Mrs. Johansen looked up from the clipboard as Mr. Gray continued.
“Two are troubled from drug abuse; one boy, one girl; two from physical abuse, both from the parents; one boy, one girl. Then we have one boy that lost his parents in a car accident and didn’t take it too well.”
“How so?”
“Well, he tried to resist one the people he was staying with, with a baseball bat.”
“Well, that’s nice,” She said looking back down at the clipboard.
“Then we just have one more girl who liked taking everything she saw that she wanted; eight cases of shop-lifting. The first five were items no more expensive than thirty to forty dollars, so no big deal right? Just pay for it, or return it and don’t do it again. Well, her last attempt was a six hundred dollar diamond necklace, and she got better too, wasn’t caught until after she got home and her mother found it in her dresser.”
“Some just never learn I guess.”
“I guess.”
“Well, this looks like a fun two weeks.”
The doctor just smirked and nodded.
“So,” Mrs. Johansen said, putting on her jacket, “are you sure that this will work? Six troubled teenagers all alone with two adults in the middle of nowhere?”
“I have every confidence,” the doctor said, slipping on his coat, “I know it’s a new method, but maybe seeing the problems in each other and with the correct guidance, they can see the problems in themselves.”
Mrs. Johansen followed Dr. Gray outside the one-story building into the pouring rain. The doctor slipped on his wide-brimmed hat while Mrs. Johansen pulled out an umbrella.
A large Volkswagen waited outside for them. The doctor opened Mrs. Johansen door as she scooched into the front seat. He ran around to the driver’s seat and climbed in. He rummaged around in his pocket until he found his keys then started up the car. After starting the wipers, he pulled out of the old parking lot and onto the interstate.
“Are we picking them up?” Mrs. Johansen asked.
“No,” Dr. Gray said, “they will be meeting us at the house.”
“Oh yes, what is this house we are going to?”
“Well, we had a few choices, but this one is nine miles away from a town called Claudia upstate and is on a secluded road. No traffic at all, but yet not too far from help if we need it. It’s a small town, but the house is massive; one of those old Victorian mansions. Funny too, no one has lived in it for years.”
“Why not?” Mrs. Johansen said, checking the list of supplies on the clipboard, “Sounds like a perfect place for one of those rich movie stars to buy as a vacation spot.”
“Well,” Dr. Gray said, “after I rented it for the two weeks, I found out that it apparently has a legend of a haunting.”
Mrs. Johansen shot her head up. She looked at him with quizzically.
“It isn’t like officially reported, but apparently in the 30’s it was a place where some satan worship took place or something. Anyway, I thought it would add another factor to the teens’ reaction to the situation. It may help. I know some will react differently to it but I see no harm in a local superstition.”
“Yeah well,” Mrs. Johansen said looking back down at the clipboard, “Are we going to have to clean up the house?”
“No, I hired a few housekeepers last week to go in and prepare it. There are eleven bedrooms and they all needed new sheets and pillows and such. They phoned me yesterday and told me it was ready. They said they would wait until we got there to leave since some of the teens might get there before us.”
“Then we’re all set.”
“Those kids are going to be having a few of the most interesting weeks of their lives. I hope we are up to it.”
“Don’t worry Jamie,” Dr. Gray said with a smile, “they’re all troubled, the worst that could happen is that they leave the house the same as they were before.”
“Ok then,” Jamie replied, “just wake me up when we get there.”
The addressed psychologist turned around sharply lowering his clipboard.
“Oh, hello Mrs. Johansen, I’m glad you’re here.”
“Hello Dr. Gray,” Mrs. Johansen said taking the clipboard from him.
She studied the page in front her for a while. The doctor waited for a while, turned to look at her page, then looked back at her.
“We have six teens altogether,” he said.
Mrs. Johansen looked up from the clipboard as Mr. Gray continued.
“Two are troubled from drug abuse; one boy, one girl; two from physical abuse, both from the parents; one boy, one girl. Then we have one boy that lost his parents in a car accident and didn’t take it too well.”
“How so?”
“Well, he tried to resist one the people he was staying with, with a baseball bat.”
“Well, that’s nice,” She said looking back down at the clipboard.
“Then we just have one more girl who liked taking everything she saw that she wanted; eight cases of shop-lifting. The first five were items no more expensive than thirty to forty dollars, so no big deal right? Just pay for it, or return it and don’t do it again. Well, her last attempt was a six hundred dollar diamond necklace, and she got better too, wasn’t caught until after she got home and her mother found it in her dresser.”
“Some just never learn I guess.”
“I guess.”
“Well, this looks like a fun two weeks.”
The doctor just smirked and nodded.
“So,” Mrs. Johansen said, putting on her jacket, “are you sure that this will work? Six troubled teenagers all alone with two adults in the middle of nowhere?”
“I have every confidence,” the doctor said, slipping on his coat, “I know it’s a new method, but maybe seeing the problems in each other and with the correct guidance, they can see the problems in themselves.”
Mrs. Johansen followed Dr. Gray outside the one-story building into the pouring rain. The doctor slipped on his wide-brimmed hat while Mrs. Johansen pulled out an umbrella.
A large Volkswagen waited outside for them. The doctor opened Mrs. Johansen door as she scooched into the front seat. He ran around to the driver’s seat and climbed in. He rummaged around in his pocket until he found his keys then started up the car. After starting the wipers, he pulled out of the old parking lot and onto the interstate.
“Are we picking them up?” Mrs. Johansen asked.
“No,” Dr. Gray said, “they will be meeting us at the house.”
“Oh yes, what is this house we are going to?”
“Well, we had a few choices, but this one is nine miles away from a town called Claudia upstate and is on a secluded road. No traffic at all, but yet not too far from help if we need it. It’s a small town, but the house is massive; one of those old Victorian mansions. Funny too, no one has lived in it for years.”
“Why not?” Mrs. Johansen said, checking the list of supplies on the clipboard, “Sounds like a perfect place for one of those rich movie stars to buy as a vacation spot.”
“Well,” Dr. Gray said, “after I rented it for the two weeks, I found out that it apparently has a legend of a haunting.”
Mrs. Johansen shot her head up. She looked at him with quizzically.
“It isn’t like officially reported, but apparently in the 30’s it was a place where some satan worship took place or something. Anyway, I thought it would add another factor to the teens’ reaction to the situation. It may help. I know some will react differently to it but I see no harm in a local superstition.”
“Yeah well,” Mrs. Johansen said looking back down at the clipboard, “Are we going to have to clean up the house?”
“No, I hired a few housekeepers last week to go in and prepare it. There are eleven bedrooms and they all needed new sheets and pillows and such. They phoned me yesterday and told me it was ready. They said they would wait until we got there to leave since some of the teens might get there before us.”
“Then we’re all set.”
“Those kids are going to be having a few of the most interesting weeks of their lives. I hope we are up to it.”
“Don’t worry Jamie,” Dr. Gray said with a smile, “they’re all troubled, the worst that could happen is that they leave the house the same as they were before.”
“Ok then,” Jamie replied, “just wake me up when we get there.”
Thy Word
Many churchs and christians don't see just how important the Word of God really is. The bible is the single most important resource for any christian and for any circumstance. The realization must be made that the Bible is not only of God, but it is God. As John puts it, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word WAS God, and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us . . ." This clearly tells us that God's word is all we need and it will save us. Jesus is the truth and the truth sets us free. Therefore if Jesus is the Word then the Word is truth and therefore the Word will set us free if we only believe and understand what God wrote in it.
Many people try to deny the authority of God's word by saying that there were dozens of different writers, including many for Genesis alone. However this doesn't disprove it's authority, but further confirms it because it would be impossible for so many men of so many diverse origins and cultures over such a vast amount of time to write such a miraculous and extensive work and not contradict each other in some regard. The bible doesn't do this. Further more it shows God's design in using many not just one man in writing it and although the writing styles are clearly different(such as in prayer some might start with "Dear God", "Dear Father", "Dear Jesus" etc.) it is just as if a writer or carpenter would use different tools. Some might use a pencil, a pen, or a crayola, or some might even carve their writing with a hammer and chisel, but it still says the same truth.
This perfect book, of which any other form of literature is just a mimickery, is in all parts "profitable for rebuke, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished until all good works." This means that every part of God's word must be recognized and used for good, there is no reason to ignore any part. The bible also says in several places including two passages in Proverbs to not "take from or add to God's word". This means that all those religions that change the Bible(Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc.) can not be of God. This also means that those old scrolls that they have found(Dead-sea scrolls, Book of Judith, Book of Enoch, etc.) that weren't originally in the Bible, shouldn't be added, even though some don't refute any part of the Bible because the God I worship is powerful enough and smart enough to write His own book the right way in the way He wanted at the right time and in the right form and can preserve this wonderful book throughout all of history.
We also have assurance that it will never be destroyed, the Bible says that "God's word will never fade" and that "moth and mold will never corrupt it" It will last forever because God is forever and for this we should cherish it all the more. It is the key to eternal life and in it is God's perfect will. If only christians would look to it more and less to worldly theories and secular psychology. It has the answers to any problem and if we truly trusted in God, then we should trust just as much in the only perfect thing we have in this world. And even though man's interpretation of the Bible can be flawed at times, this word of truth will always remain, unflawed, undisturbed, and still forever perfect.
Many people try to deny the authority of God's word by saying that there were dozens of different writers, including many for Genesis alone. However this doesn't disprove it's authority, but further confirms it because it would be impossible for so many men of so many diverse origins and cultures over such a vast amount of time to write such a miraculous and extensive work and not contradict each other in some regard. The bible doesn't do this. Further more it shows God's design in using many not just one man in writing it and although the writing styles are clearly different(such as in prayer some might start with "Dear God", "Dear Father", "Dear Jesus" etc.) it is just as if a writer or carpenter would use different tools. Some might use a pencil, a pen, or a crayola, or some might even carve their writing with a hammer and chisel, but it still says the same truth.
This perfect book, of which any other form of literature is just a mimickery, is in all parts "profitable for rebuke, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished until all good works." This means that every part of God's word must be recognized and used for good, there is no reason to ignore any part. The bible also says in several places including two passages in Proverbs to not "take from or add to God's word". This means that all those religions that change the Bible(Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc.) can not be of God. This also means that those old scrolls that they have found(Dead-sea scrolls, Book of Judith, Book of Enoch, etc.) that weren't originally in the Bible, shouldn't be added, even though some don't refute any part of the Bible because the God I worship is powerful enough and smart enough to write His own book the right way in the way He wanted at the right time and in the right form and can preserve this wonderful book throughout all of history.
We also have assurance that it will never be destroyed, the Bible says that "God's word will never fade" and that "moth and mold will never corrupt it" It will last forever because God is forever and for this we should cherish it all the more. It is the key to eternal life and in it is God's perfect will. If only christians would look to it more and less to worldly theories and secular psychology. It has the answers to any problem and if we truly trusted in God, then we should trust just as much in the only perfect thing we have in this world. And even though man's interpretation of the Bible can be flawed at times, this word of truth will always remain, unflawed, undisturbed, and still forever perfect.
Monday, March 24, 2008
A true meaning
So many people nowadays, even so-called christians, think it "ok" to have sex outside of marriage, most would say not during marriage, but that comes more from a selfishness of wanting something all to oneself rather than the desire of God to see purity carried out. This truly disguists me, people want some reason not to do something, when there are many already. The fact that God tells me not to do something, is plenty reason enough for me to refrain! This should be sufficient for anyone because God, of course, knows more than we do. People who don't hold God's commands in high regard can not know God truly. No one can wake up one day and have rejected God's salvation when they have accepted it before. No one can lose their salvation, if you have it, then it gives a peace and love nothing else can give and you will never let go.
Another thing to think of is the fact of STD's, it is not just something to be careful about, think of it this way "If God wanted you to have sex outside of marriage, he would not have made Sexually-Transmitted-Diseases!" Think about it. Nothing that God thinks is appropriate for us to do, would he ever make harmful for us. Those who do not believe in God, there is no other real reason why they shouldn't, sin is fun, but it isn't fulfilling, that is why almost every relationship that turns to fornication breaks apart in less than a month. More people who get married get divorced than stay together. It is so sad. I can give reason for this. In every case, it is because one or both didn't follow God's guidelines for marriage, whether by before or during. How can we expect it to work when we don't do it right? Even if you foolishly marry someone who doesn't meet your expectations, if he/she doesn't break one of the three divorcable laws in the bible[abuse(physical, or economical such as drugs or alcohol), adultery, or abandonment], you must stay married to them. If you make a mistake, you must live with the consequences, a foolish marriage must not resolve itself with more sin. And if a guy gets a girl pregnant, the only honorable thing to do would be marriage to her. He may say, "I don't want to marry her, I don't love her." Well then, you should have thought of that before you made such a drastic choice. If you were man enough to have sex with her, then you are man enough to make right by it. God's way is always the best, and if we don't follow it, we can never expect to come to a good end. I'll choose God's way and enjoy the precious life, I hope you will too.
Another thing to think of is the fact of STD's, it is not just something to be careful about, think of it this way "If God wanted you to have sex outside of marriage, he would not have made Sexually-Transmitted-Diseases!" Think about it. Nothing that God thinks is appropriate for us to do, would he ever make harmful for us. Those who do not believe in God, there is no other real reason why they shouldn't, sin is fun, but it isn't fulfilling, that is why almost every relationship that turns to fornication breaks apart in less than a month. More people who get married get divorced than stay together. It is so sad. I can give reason for this. In every case, it is because one or both didn't follow God's guidelines for marriage, whether by before or during. How can we expect it to work when we don't do it right? Even if you foolishly marry someone who doesn't meet your expectations, if he/she doesn't break one of the three divorcable laws in the bible[abuse(physical, or economical such as drugs or alcohol), adultery, or abandonment], you must stay married to them. If you make a mistake, you must live with the consequences, a foolish marriage must not resolve itself with more sin. And if a guy gets a girl pregnant, the only honorable thing to do would be marriage to her. He may say, "I don't want to marry her, I don't love her." Well then, you should have thought of that before you made such a drastic choice. If you were man enough to have sex with her, then you are man enough to make right by it. God's way is always the best, and if we don't follow it, we can never expect to come to a good end. I'll choose God's way and enjoy the precious life, I hope you will too.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
An Easter Speculation
It came to me that although we spend so much time celebrating Christmas and Christ's birth, it isn't nearly worth the celebration and rejoicing as much as Easter. Why you may ask? Well, Christ's birth shows God's proof of the old testament prophecies, but Easter is the fullfillment of it. If Christ was born and then never died, we would have no hope at all. It is entirely in the fact of Good Friday that he died for us to save us when he had no fault that completes the sacrifice, but Easter is a second proof of God's approval that the sacrifice was sufficient and that with sin comes death, but since he had no sin, death could not hold him. And if he stayed dead, then he would not be the representation of eternal life of which we all are aspiring to attain. It is true that satan bruised his heel, but Jesus in return crushed his head! Just like in the Chronicles of Narnia, in trying to defeat the prophecy, the enemy was the one that carried it out. Only a God who is all-knowing and all-powerful could have arranged such a perfect plan. The true meaning of Easter is not a fluffy bunny, choclate eggs, or flowers and though we try to disguise it as best as possible, the true meaning of Jesus's LIFE is that this powerful event has the power to save an entire world from its sin and death. And for this we should truly Celebrate!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
The Reality of God
After thinking about it, I came to realize something very important about myself. Although we must try to be more like Jesus, sometimes we know that Jesus would act differently in some ways rather than what we were meant to. If Jesus' life was to be our blueprint, then every christian would be a full-time missionairy with followers and would give their life and death to the ministry work of Christ. In some ways this is to be our goal but in some ways it isn't. I believe that Jesus would never be a Boxer, a Pro. Athlete, a Newspaper reporter, or of the such. Whereas I believe a christian can give God the glory in almost any occupation. The term should not be what would Jesus do, but what would Jesus have me do. Knowing that we can in no way be ever close to being like Jesus we must realize that God has a different will for our lives for every individual, some He has called to be missionairies, some to be trash collectors. We must be willing to give all to God and seek His kingdom first and then everything else He will grant us. I in no way can understand God, but I know he understands me. I can't expect to be like Jesus, but I want to try as hard as I can, cause to God, He is living my life right now, and He counts me as if I have Lived His.
I find that when thinking on complicated issues I get confused. When thinking on God and his awesomeness, I find myself inadequate to understand. I know its important to have views on the gray areas and to be knowledgable on the all points in the bible, but sometimes it's the small, simple truth of God that we need to dwell on. When it all comes down to it, it isn't our complicated religions and defered beliefs that save us, no, it isn't even how good we are, but the simple relationship with Jesus and his salvation that justifies us. I believe there is no right denomination; pentecostals, baptists, protestants, methodists, presbyterians, and yes, even roman catholics, Jehovah's witnesses, and mormins can be saved as long as they have a personal relationship with Jesus. Some of these religions are not based solely on the bible and that is their fault, but yet God is no respecter of persons and we should not be either, that is if we are trying to be like Him.
Monday, March 3, 2008
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