Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Lately, a feeling of unworthiness has crept into my soul. Believing my heart to be broken, I cried out to God, feeling something too painful to imagine, a friend lost, but never forgotten. And yet, that mindset was the thing keeping me from the peace that God alone can give. I had to pray. I prayed, and He blessed me with His peace, once more. What an awesome God. My heart was healed, my pain vanished, and my friend found and the friendship strengthened. I am so unworthy. I have been given so much more than I deserve.
I was further blessed by the unexpected, but very welcome, of a very close friend. He made something that I will cherish. Even though it was short, it's always so nice to see friends again that mean so much to me. I truly am blessed and unworthy.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Herman the Superhero

Enters the modern day superhero! A shortman with a toupe, a weird costume, and a big smile.

Jay Leno: So, Herman, you're the modern day superhero.
Herman: um, . . . uh, . . . yeah, I guess so.
Jay Leno: Who do you fight?
Herman: The forces of Evil!
Jay Leno: Who are they?
Herman: Democrats!
Jay Leno: Ah, well do you have any powers Herman?
Herman: Of course I do Jay, I'm ambidextrous.
Jay Leno: Well, that's uh, special I guess.
Herman: I also can see through glass.
Jay Leno: Well, most people can do that.
Herman: Really? Oh darn!
Jay Leno: Do you have any SUPERpowers?
Herman: I can fly.
Jay Leno: You can Fly??? Oh, how far can you fly?
Herman: If I don't hit a building or a tree, I can fy all the way to the ground.
Jay Leno: Well, how FAR can you fly?
Herman: How far can you throw me?
Jay Leno: Well , . . . uh, what do you hope for the most?
Herman: I hope that I don't spontaneously combust.
Jay Leno: Well, do you have any weaknesses?
Herman: Brownies, the double choclate with fudge.
Jay Leno: Hmm, well, Herman, I noticed your costume.
Herman: Yes, isn't it a humdinger?
Jay Leno: Yes very nice, just it has a "D" symbol on it.
Herman: Yes
Jay Leno: What does it stand for?
Herman: Oh, that's for my theme song.
Jay Leno: I didn't know you had a theme song.
Herman: Oh yes
Jay Leno: Well, what is it?
Herman: "Daa da da daaaaaah"

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A New Blog?

Yeah, i feel a little guilty right now. It being lik two weeks since my last blog. Well, if it's any consolation, I have been busy doing other things. I have had more art projects I've been working on, I've been writing more in my book, and a big thing happened at work that you guys should know about.
My boss sold the restaraunt.. . .

Yeah, taht's big. I still have my job, the new boss is keeping all the old employees, the young ones too, and he's going to be changing it dramtically. Changing the name, putting in tvs, putting in a sandwhich counter likewhat they have at subway, getting new equpment, adding more to the menu. Alot, it's like an adventure. One thing cool is that he'll be prolonging the hours, which means more working time for me! Which means more mula! Not that I am infatuated with money or anythi--hey! a nickel!--but I have been needing more hours to save for college and such. It's like an answer to prayer, I'm taking this as a blessing. It will also count on my resume that I worked at two different diners, not just one even though I'm working at the same place. Anyway, that's all i can think of right now, so i'll try to keep u posted. I think Kat is rubbing off on me.

Monday, July 7, 2008

This Broken World

One thing that almost anyone, even unbelievers will agree on is two things about nature. One, that is a very orderly and efficient world, the realm of nature just works, and it works well, certain laws that never waver, symbiotic relationships, the natural order of things is in one word: Good.
The second thing about nature is that. . . . it is broken. Anyone who takes the time to look and consider it finds that in the midst of its order and efficiency, something is definitely WRONG. Sickness, death, disfunction, mutations, many things just aren't right. Something is broken, jaded, distorted, and chaotic.
The question is: What is it? What is broken and what made it so wrong?

It's like walking in the desert and finding a Porsche Convertable on a sand dune. It has a nice body, it has transmission, a motor, a steering wheel, everything, but yet, it won't run, it can't go properly, and you don't know what is wrong with it.

Is it nature that made this so wrong? Was it Mother Nature? Was God a stupid and ignorant creator that didn't care how He made things?

Or was it us?

It seems the more that nature and enviroment is left alone, the more it flourishes. But when Men come in and change it, take over, even try to correct, it becomes flawed. Even when we try to make things better with vitamins, chemicals, and electric additions, it only causes new sicknesses and things we never had before. Of which we try to fix again and make even worse.

Is it not possible that God has prevented us from finding the cure for the common cold for a reason? Indians never had good shelter, medicine, or modern ways of protection, but if we lived the way they did, then we wouldn't survive, and when they came into contact with us, they would get sick and die with simple things like the common cold.

The bible says that "Man brought sin into the world, and sin brought DEATH."

We ruined this wonderful world and are continuing to do it. Perfection stays Perfection unless something is added to it . . . . imperfection, the tiniest bit of imperfection causes the most perfect thing to become worthless.

The word of God reveals this to us. It's like the driver's manual for the Porsche. After reading it we can see something that we were incapable of seeing before. The entire front end of the car is caved in. We remember and realize that the day we were born, we drove the car into the tree of Pride and destroyed it. Even though our Father told us not to, we did it anyway.

This is a broken world, saved only by the fact that the maker of it is willing to forgive his children if they repent and change. How gracious this is. And not only that but He tells us that if we don't then He will punish us. And if we do, then this wonderful craftsman who made this car in a week, will give us something he's been working 2000 years on. We know this, but many of us reject it so blindly.

Most likely, 80 percent of the people in your church will be going to Hell when they die. It's a startling fact, but in America, where leisure is so prevalent and one-time prayer salvation is the theology, we don't truly know what it is to be a christian. WE BROKE THIS WORLD!!! Shouldn't we then be wanting to make it better with all we have? If we are truly sorry for what we've done, we won't continue doing it.

Thank God he can save this Broken World, we are breaking it more and more everyday.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Very Extensive Art Project

Ok, here's the project by me. I'm going through many of my friends and I'm going to be doing portraits of them. Most likely in pencil, maybe in ink though. And hopefully, if I"m up to it, I'll be doing a master portrait of multiple people, maybe the monadnock group picture or something. So it'll be exciting and I'm looking forward to it, I hope you are too. =)