Saturday, May 24, 2008

New Song: "The Precious Life"

This song I wrote today means a lot to me and is my song about purity.

Vs. 1: I woke up today with a thought on my mind/ what if the dreams I have were left behind/ My life was just meaningless, feelingless, and not to take hold of/ And the last I saw as I opened my eyes/ was the fading light of a sun as it dies/ my spirit is screaming out, crying out, wanting to live/
Bridge: How do we breakout/ how do we make out in the world that we're living in/
Chorus: I will wait/ cause' true love waits/ I want to stay pure till this battle is won/ in a world that is screaming out, "Do what you want!"/ I will wait/ cause' true love waits/ I want to stay true to just one till I die/ I want to feel LIFE with the one that God made just for me/ The precious life/
Vs.2: Where are the men whose intentions are true/ and where are the virgins that stayed pure for You/ why is it counterfeit, the way love is portrayed/ Why is it lust can pretend that it's love/ and how can we so often push away God/ when all that He wants is to give us a life that's worth living/
Vs.3: Lord, I now pledge from this day on/ to wait for the day that I put the ring on/ I realize compromise only destroys all I wish for/ I know that You want me to know Precious Life/ and as I experience it with my wife/ I'll praise you forever and ever and then once again/ The best thing that in this world I'll ever know/ is to know that I've found One who won't let me go/ to know that this love is for me and I don't deserve it/ So I will cling to this promise that you've made/ that it will be worth it for me if I wait/ the cry of my heart is too loud for it to just go away!/
Ending: The precious life/ the precious life/ . . . the precious life

Friday, May 23, 2008

Allah or Jesus Christ by Rick Mathes

> Last month, I attended my annual training session> that's required for maintaining my state prison security clearance.> During the training session there was a presentation by three speakers> representing the Roman Catholic, Protestant, and Muslim faiths, who> explained each of their beliefs.> > I was particularly interested in what the> Islamic Imam had to say. The Imam gave a great presentation of the> basics of Islam, complete with a video.> > After the presentations, time was provided for> questions and answers.> > When it was my turn, I directed my question to> the Imam and asked: 'Please, correct me if I'm wrong, but I understand> that most Imams and clerics of Islam have declared a holy jihad [Holy> war] against the infidels of the world and, that by killing an infidel,> (which is a command to all Muslims) they are assured of a place in> heaven. If that's the case, can you give me the definition of an> infidel?'> > There was no disagreement with my statements> and, without hesitation, he replied, 'Non-believers! '> > I responded, 'So, let me make sure I have this> straight. All followers of Allah have been commanded to kill everyone> who is not of your faith so they can have a place in heaven. Is that> correct?'> > The expression on his face changed from one of> authority and command to that of 'a little boy who had just been caught> with his hand in the cookie jar.'> > He sheepishly replied, 'Yes.'> > I then stated, 'Well, sir, I have a real problem> trying to imagine Pope John Paul commanding all Catholics to kill those> of your faith or Dr. Stanley ordering all Protestants to do the same in> order to guarantee them a place in heaven!'> > The Imam was speechless!> > I continued, 'I also have problem with being> your 'friend' when you and your brother clerics are telling your> followers to kill me! Let me ask you a question. Would you rather have> your Allah, who tells you to kill me in order for you to go to heaven,> or my Jesus who tells me to love you because I am going to heaven and He> wants you to be there with me?'> > You could have heard a pin drop as the Imam hung> his head in shame. Needless to say, the organizers and/or promoters of> the 'Diversification' training seminar were not happy with Rick's way of> dealing with the Islamic Imam and exposing the truth about the Muslims'> beliefs.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

New Laptop

So, my parents have a few traditions for their kids such as on each kid's 16th birthday, they take them out to eat and give a good talk about purity and then give them a purity ring symbolizing an oath between them, my parents, and God to save sex for marriage. Also, on every kid's graduation, my parents buy them a big present that they'll need for college or their future, such as a word processor, or my bro. got a zune ipod since he was getting everyelse from the army.
I, of which I'm very happy to say, am getting a laptop. This is huge for me since the only computer we've ever had is a windows XP from the year 2000. The one I'm getting is a windows inspiron. It's customized and being built as I write.
A lot of people I know say Apple is so much better than Windows, however, the laptop I got started at $599 and the cheapest Mac laptop on the market starts at $1100. Mine also has twice as much RAM and twice as much memory as the Mac and I got a built in webcam, a business-student operating system included, and host of other things that weren't in the Mac, to get those in the Mac I would've had to pay almost $500 more making it $1600 at least. Now, as some of my friends would say, paying the extra would be worth it. However, the question isn't that, but rather is a laptop worth $1600 to you and to me it isn't.
Also, you might find it interesting that I know 4 or 5 people that work with computers all the time, either are programmers or in a business that requires them to use several computers and get new ones each year. . . . Not ONE of them say that they think Apple is better Windows and I asked them all. In fact most of them say they prefer Windows better. I just leave it at that.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Art and God

Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, the less the artist the better.

I'm so glad God decided to use me in the field of art. I love drawing and playing music so much and they seem to come right from the heart. All I have to do is let God guide me.

God show stuff new and exciting to me everyday. I must confess to a feeling of profound humility in the presence of a universe which transcends us at almost every point. I feel like a child who while playing by the seashore has found a few bright colored shells and a few pebbles while the whole vast ocean of truth stretches out almost untouched and unruffled before my eager fingers. I am nothing, but I am very close friend with the one who is everything and with Him who could possibly guess what can happen and with Him on my side, what in heaven or hell could I possibly have to fear.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Farewell June

Ok, so this band played a concert at our church yesterday. Their name; Farewell June. Their music; AWESOME! It was a free concert, but they took a love offering near the end of which I was one of the plate carriers, whooo! They've come out with two cds of which you can find on I was so surprised that they were sooo good cause' ours is a small church. They hail from Springfield, Missiouri and have an amazing love for God.

One of the most impressive things about the band was their guitarist. He was soooo good. Amazing. Of course everything was good about them. Their message, their music, their vocals, their attitude. They were signed, but quit that cause' their record label was asking them to do things they knew weren't right so now they're independant, but still going on strong.

I was in the front row, so that was awesome. I got to talk to them afterward, get their new cd, Identity Crisis, get their autographs, and a photo of me with them. They really are great guys. Check them out if you can. It's a great cd.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

100% Relationship

A relationship is too important to pass up. Even though we may make mistakes in our choices, that doesn't mean we don't have the responsability to live with our choices. Even though we live in a country where we can basically do whatever we want, that doesn't mean we should. The right thing is always the best. Even if it sacrifices our own happiness.

The misconception about relationships nowadays is that, that special someone should be our other half, the only person to satisfy our desires. The problem with that is that it takes away from it. If that "other half" decides to leave you cause he/she doesn't "love" you anymore, does that mean that person really wasn't the one for you and you were mistaken? Maybe, but still even if it wasn't, we must still stay by their side cause' we must live with our mistakes even if they are big.

The misconception about relationships and the understanding that NEVER works is that if two people give half of themselves then everything will be alright. A 50/50 relationship never works, it ends immediately and only results in heartache. If one person gives 100% then the relationship will work, but it will be very difficult. The best relationship and the one that God meant for us to have is where each person gives 100%. If you hold somebody's heart in your hands, you will be much more careful about what you hold if your heart is in that other person's hands as well. But it isn't a duty to perform, if you truly love someone, you will want to do everything you can for them willingly without any thought of return, merely for the sake of loving them. That is true love, and it is worth every moment of a thousand lifetimes.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Babbylon and Armeggeddion

A scenic view. A dieing sun. It has been three days since Saturn's rings entered our atmosphere. It is so close now. This surreal horizon frightens me every night and day. Whenever I gaze up it, I am consumed. To know that my world will be ending tomorrow is too much for me to bare.
It has been two days since the leviathon and behemoth emerged from the deep. The creature from the sea with six heads has taken over the cities and the dragon with six heads conquers the sky. Right now he is resting on the skyscrapers.
It has been one day since ash started falling like rain turning everything a sickening gray. The great volcano emerged from central park and is still growing. The gray wolves with the red eyes entered the buildings and drove us out. We now live in the fields.
Today, the ground started to crack and split. The earth is dying and falling apart. Fire and hail began to fall. Many died but some of us found shelter. It is no use though.
For tomorrow . . . the world ends.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Teaching Algebra 2 to a Toddler

I am always disturbed when one of my co-workers say stuff that I know is ridiculous, unbiblical, and even harmful, but at some times I am at a loss for words.

For instance, yesterday, Kelly, a waitress I work with, said that she didn't believe in Marriage, that it was unneccessary, pointless, it was just a piece of paper, expensive, the divorce costs too much, and that you can have the same relationship as a married couple without being married. It truly burned me up inside that someone could be so ignorant. Marriage is a precious thing, it's of God and truly the most wonderful thing in this life as relationships go, but so many nowadays completely destroy the concept of marriage and its preciousness by getting married on a whim and then divorcing soon after cause' "it was a mistake" or "he/she doesn't love me anymore".

I base everything I believe on the Bible but those who don't believe the bible, such as my co-worker, can not possibly understand my reasoning because they don't know my God. It is like trying to explain Algebra 2 or advanced chemistry to a child who doesn't even understand simple formulas such as 2 + 2. How could they comprehend it? They don't use my logic and reasoning, so how can you explain it?

Unless the Spirit convicts, draws, and reveals a truth to even christians, they are like babies. I pity people like Kelly, because I know that they are, will be missing out on so much. Of course, I don't believe myself any better because the only reason I am God's child is from nothing but His grace. Nothing but His grace.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Last Day of School

Today was my last day of SCHOOL!!! YEAH!!! High school is over and now a world of opportunities only God could know is awaiting for me. I hope I can be the true rebelutionairy God wants me to be and that I don't underestimate what He can do through my life. After all, with God, who knows what I will do?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A Grace So BIG

I have been contemplating my sin lately. Thinking on it, even though I try to do my best and be more like Christ everyday, I fall short so much. Sinning isn't just doing wrong but merely missing the mark. Failing to give God the complete glory at every instance is a sin. I can't go for a day, not one hour without falling short in some respect. I feel so incomplete and imperfect at some times that I feel so undeserving. Then I remember that the only thing in this life and the next greater than all of my horrible sin, the only thing greater, is solely God's grace. No matter how much I fail and how much I come short, there is something bigger than all my mistakes. And that is a love so wonderful, it carries this world on its shoulders and holds us in its hands. With this is mind, how can I help but be filled with joy. I have every reason in the world to smile and if you know this grace that I do, so do you.

If ever you feel that nothing is going right or if things in your life never seem consistent, remember that God loves you so much that if you were the only person on this earth, He would have still come down and died for you. And that is a love worth living for!

Monday, May 5, 2008


ok, revision!

The other blog is :


Sunday, May 4, 2008

New Blog

I have a new blog that I'm sharing with two others so far. It's just for music reviews and recent music news and such. Here's the link:

Friday, May 2, 2008


It's amazing how God can change our hearts in such a turnabout way. It's amazing how He can change our moods, our feelings, our hearts, and our minds in such a way that is revolutionairy. In our lives, in this world, nothing satisfies. People who love money, all they want is more money. People who love cars, have to have to fastest, biggest, most powerful car and then they want the new model each year. Those who love anything, video games, business, movies, sex, etc. . . all they want is more, all they want is better than what they already have. You know why? Because nothing this world has to offer satisfies our heart's desire. We always want more. The only thing that satisfies our heart is Jesus and his Spirit. Of course we always want more, but it is the only thing that contents our heart and is worth living our life for. How God plays our heartstrings and makes something beautiful. To close, ask yourself what you are living for. Then ask yourself if you would be willing to die for it. Those who love money or cars or work would say that of course they wouldn't die for the cause of what they love. But the thing is that if it isn't worth dieing for . . . it isn't worth living for. I believe that Jesus is worth dieing for, so I am going to live for Him too . . . in the midst of adversity . . . unashamed.