Thursday, August 30, 2007
Buzz of de buzzz. Whatever that means. Ok, well it was sad today cause' Kelly one of the regular waitresses at my Restaraunt, her cousin was killed yesterday in a motorcycle accident. So, everyone was sad cause she was. She cried quite a few times, but she seems ok. Onto other things, I did a cover of Be My Escape by RK, but the video was too big to put on youtube even though it was only 3 1/2 minutes long and I tried putting it on here, but gave up after an hour and ten minutes of waiting for it to upload. So, sorry you have to miss out. It turns out that we aren't going to the church we thought we were cause' of someting that we found out that they believe that we didn't know before. Apparently, they believe that spiritual gifts such as speaking in tongues and other stuff like that, that I have personally experienced, are no longer apparent and that only the disciples used them. On top of that, they said that anyone who believes in them now-a-days is either demonic or crazy(or something to that nature). So, back to the drawing board. Anyway, that's the recent buzzzzz of de buzzz.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Now, THIS is really fascinating - it's rather dazzling to see it presented this way.

Antares is the 15th brightest star in the sky. It is more than 1000 light years away.
Now how big are you?
Now TRY to wrap your mind around this ... This is a Hubble Telescope Ultra Deep Field Infrared View of countless 'ENTIRE' Galaxies Billions of Light-Years Away.

Now how big are you?
Now TRY to wrap your mind around this ... This is a Hubble Telescope Ultra Deep Field Infrared View of countless 'ENTIRE' Galaxies Billions of Light-Years Away.

Humbling, isn't it? Now How Big Are You? And how big are the things that upset you today? Keep life in perspective and don't sweat the small stuff!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Spur58's Sleepwalkers
CD: Sleepwalkers
Artist: Spur58
Year: 2006
Music Type: Religious/Rock
*Lyrics/Songwriting: 6/10
*Instruments: 7/10
*Vocals: 9/10
*Message: 8/10
*Sound: 6/10
*Overall: 7.2/10
Comments: The defining quality of this band is its singer. A very compelling voice stood out to me very much. Although along with this, the cd has some very good hits and a good message. "The Wonderful" is a passionate worship song. On the other side, the album wasn't produced that well, leaving it with a more live sounding quality. I enjoy the album and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys the style. Ready to Love and Sleepwalkers are both songs that have catchy tunes and lyrics and are my personal favorites off of it.
Artist: Spur58
Year: 2006
Music Type: Religious/Rock
*Lyrics/Songwriting: 6/10
*Instruments: 7/10
*Vocals: 9/10
*Message: 8/10
*Sound: 6/10
*Overall: 7.2/10
Comments: The defining quality of this band is its singer. A very compelling voice stood out to me very much. Although along with this, the cd has some very good hits and a good message. "The Wonderful" is a passionate worship song. On the other side, the album wasn't produced that well, leaving it with a more live sounding quality. I enjoy the album and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys the style. Ready to Love and Sleepwalkers are both songs that have catchy tunes and lyrics and are my personal favorites off of it.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Army, staples, art lessons, SAT's, and american chop suey
So, to update everything. My bro. Luke was hit by a car a few days ago while riding his bike. I bet your jaw just dropped or your eyes popped. Right??? Yeah, he got 9 staples in his head like the RK song. He's doing good though, it wasn't that bad. Thankfully!!! He's going to be going to North Carolina for basic training in the army pretty soon; like in a week. He's going in as a chaplin's assistant. That's cool.
On the lighter side, I'm planning to get art lessons for a realllyyyy good rate from a pro. paintist, Mrs. Collins who runs an art on rotation gallery in my restaraunt Clark's Cafe. I think she has a website. Anyway, I'm getting ten lessons in sept. and I'm excited about that. Something about my restaraunt that happened today was that we ran out of American Chop Suey. It's popular, but we just had so many orders, we had to say that we were out by 12:30. That was probably really random, but what the hey. : )
Yeah, well I'm studying for my SAT's too. I got this really cool book written and revised every two years by 6 people who got perfect 1600's on theirs. It's funny. Right now I've memorized the vocab. words A-D. Whew!!! There are so many weird ones. Like Defenestration which means to throw out of a window, and Avuncular which means "like an uncle". By the way, ask your parent what 'Alimentary' means. They will tell you something different than the real meaning I promise! It really means 'supplying nourishment', so make sure to say that the dinner was very alimentary, but tasted like it should be defenstrated. : )
On the lighter side, I'm planning to get art lessons for a realllyyyy good rate from a pro. paintist, Mrs. Collins who runs an art on rotation gallery in my restaraunt Clark's Cafe. I think she has a website. Anyway, I'm getting ten lessons in sept. and I'm excited about that. Something about my restaraunt that happened today was that we ran out of American Chop Suey. It's popular, but we just had so many orders, we had to say that we were out by 12:30. That was probably really random, but what the hey. : )
Yeah, well I'm studying for my SAT's too. I got this really cool book written and revised every two years by 6 people who got perfect 1600's on theirs. It's funny. Right now I've memorized the vocab. words A-D. Whew!!! There are so many weird ones. Like Defenestration which means to throw out of a window, and Avuncular which means "like an uncle". By the way, ask your parent what 'Alimentary' means. They will tell you something different than the real meaning I promise! It really means 'supplying nourishment', so make sure to say that the dinner was very alimentary, but tasted like it should be defenstrated. : )
Thursday, August 16, 2007
New music and such
Okay, so I'm excited about my new cds. I just got four more from cbd which include Newsboys "Go", Spur58's "Sleepwalkers", Natalie Grant's "Awaken", and Krystal Meyers "Dying for a Heart". I needed some new tunes to listen to and I hope to get into it, since three of the bands I have no other albums from.
Onto other things, I just got back from visiting some old friends. I had an awesome time and loved it. It was really good seeing some old faces again.
By the way, I've been craving Apple Jacks lately.
Onto other things, I just got back from visiting some old friends. I had an awesome time and loved it. It was really good seeing some old faces again.
By the way, I've been craving Apple Jacks lately.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
More than just no sin
A while ago I heard the expression that Justification was us living as if we'd never sinned, but it wasn't until I heard the pastor at a church last Sunday that I realized that this is not the case. It is far much more than that! Sin or 'missing the mark' is more than just disobeying one of the ten commandments or making a mistake, but anything short of perfection is a sin. Anytime we do anything without glorying God in it is missing the mark. It brings into perspective just how sinful we really are. The beauty of Justification is that it is not only us living life without sin(because of Jesus of course), but also living as if we have accomplished the perfect righteousness of Jesus as well. Imagine, as Christians, we have walked on water, and raised people from the dead. We were crucified on a cross, had God's wrath poured on us, and then rose again on the third day. That is Justification! If only people actually realized this more than they do, even christians! Then they would live their lives more for God than themselves, because they wouldn't want to disgrace and humiliate that grace and love.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
CD: Conquering the Fear of Flight
Artist: Wavorly
Year: 2007
Music Type: Alternative/Hard Rock
*Lyrics/Songwriting: 10/10
*Instruments: 10/10
*Vocals: 7/10
*Message: 8/10
*Sound: 10/10
*Overall: 9.0/10
Comments: Amazing is a word that comes to mind when referencing this album. The debut from this new band was not at all what I had in mind when I got it. Only hearing a part of one song, I was expecting a more Everyday Sunday-type sound; however, I listened the cd all the way through and was completely amazed. The album starts and ends with instrumentals which is very well-written and evocative. The composition of the instruments was extraordinary. Along with the sound, it has powerful lyrics and a great message. The writer's use of metaphors in his songs really makes you think. There are no hit singles like many new artists have in their first albums, but every song is unique and very good-sounding. I could not choose a best song off of it, but love every one. I highly recommend it.
Artist: Wavorly
Year: 2007
Music Type: Alternative/Hard Rock
*Lyrics/Songwriting: 10/10
*Instruments: 10/10
*Vocals: 7/10
*Message: 8/10
*Sound: 10/10
*Overall: 9.0/10
Comments: Amazing is a word that comes to mind when referencing this album. The debut from this new band was not at all what I had in mind when I got it. Only hearing a part of one song, I was expecting a more Everyday Sunday-type sound; however, I listened the cd all the way through and was completely amazed. The album starts and ends with instrumentals which is very well-written and evocative. The composition of the instruments was extraordinary. Along with the sound, it has powerful lyrics and a great message. The writer's use of metaphors in his songs really makes you think. There are no hit singles like many new artists have in their first albums, but every song is unique and very good-sounding. I could not choose a best song off of it, but love every one. I highly recommend it.
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